
Showing posts from April 21, 2019

why doesn't university give past final exams' answers Planned maintenance scheduled April 23, 2019 at 23:30 UTC (7:30pm US/Eastern) Announcing the arrival of Valued Associate #679: Cesar Manara Unicorn Meta Zoo #1: Why another podcast?Should previous final exams be released to students?What is considered cheating in an open book exam?Reasons for not releasing mark schemes for past exams?What do universities usually do with a student's graded final exams?Test answer rejected for saying more than asked forIs it appropriate to underline key words in an exam answer?Am I obliged to tell students that there are different versions of the exam?3 3-hour exams in a row with no time in between. What can I do?Is it unethical to not give feedback on final exams or assignments?How to write practice exams as a student as a way to study

The test team as an enemy of development? And how can this be avoided? "Destructive power" carried by a B-52? NIntegrate on a solution of a matrix ODE How do Java 8 default methods hеlp with lambdas? How can I list files in reverse time order by a command and pass them as arguments to another command? What does 丫 mean? 丫是什么意思? One-one communication Noise in Eigenvalues plot How to make an animal which can only breed for a certain number of generations? Where and when has Thucydides been studied? Why do the Z-fighters hide their power? Do i imagine the linear (straight line) homotopy in a correct way? How could a hydrazine and N2O4 cloud (or it's reactants) show up in weather radar? Vertical ranges of Column Plots in 12 Does a random sequence of vectors span a Hilbert space? Plotting a Maclaurin series Does the universe have a fixed centre of mass? Is a copyright notice with a non-existent name be invalid? Are there any irrational/transc