Suorittimen tehohäviö Sisällysluettelo Aikaisempien suorittimien virrankulutukset | Mikroprosessorit | Katso myös | Lähteet | Aiheesta muualla | NavigointivalikkoparantamallamuotoilemallaMarvell's useful history of processorsIntel Pentium M ProcessorA Survey of Domestic Electronic Digital Computing SystemsCPU Reference for all vendors. Process node, die size, speed, power, instruction set, etc.Processor Electrical SpecificationsSizingLoungeRadiateFor specification on Intel processors.
tietokoneensähkötehostaSuoritinvastuksestamilliwattienelektroniputkillatransistoreillaMegahertsimyyttiMarvellXScaleP6 ytimeenNetBurst
![]() | Tätä artikkelia tai sen osaa on pyydetty parannettavaksi, koska se ei täytä Wikipedian laatuvaatimuksia. Voit auttaa Wikipediaa parantamalla artikkelia tai merkitsemällä ongelmat tarkemmin. Lisää tietoa saattaa olla keskustelusivulla. Tarkennus: osa selityksistä suomentamatta, määritelmä, johdanto ja oikeinkirjoitus korjattava, triviaa ja tiivistettävä |
Suorittimen tehohäviö muodostaa osan tietokoneen toimiessaan kuluttamasta sähkötehosta.
Suoritin (CPU) on sähköinen komponentti, jollaisen toiminnasta aina aiheutuu häviöitä mm. virtapiirien vastuksesta johtuen. Häviöiden seurauksena suorittimen kuluttama sähköenergia muuttuu lämmöksi. Jotkut suorittimet, esim. matkapuhelimissa käytettävät, kuluttavat vain erittäin vähän energiaa (satojen milliwattien suuruusluokkaa). Sitä vastoin tietokoneiden alkuaikoina elektroniputkilla ja transistoreilla toteutetut suorittimet kuluttivat jopa useiden kilowattien tehon.
1 Aikaisempien suorittimien virrankulutukset
2 Mikroprosessorit
2.1 IBM/Motorola/Freescale prosessorit
2.1.1 PowerPC
2.2 Marvell XScale
2.3 Intelin prosessorit
2.3.1 Intel Atom
2.3.2 Työpöytäprosessorit Pentium Pentium MMX Pentium II Pentium III Pentium 4 Pentium D Intel Core 2 Intel Core i3 Intel Core i5 Intel Core i7 Intel Celeron Intel Celeron D Intel celeron (Core arkkitehtuuriin perustuvat) Intel Celeron Dual Core Intel Pentium Dual core
2.3.3 Kannettavien tietokoneiden prosessorit Mobile Pentium II Pentium III-M Pentium 4 Intel Pentium M [2] Pentium D Core Duo Core 2 sarja kannettaville tietokoneille Core I3 sarja kannettaville tietokoneille Core i5 sarja kannettaville tietokoneille Core I7 sarja kannettaville tietokoneille Intel Mobile Celeron/Celeron M
2.3.4 Palvelinprosessorit Pentium Pro Yksiytimiset Xeonit Dual Core Xeonit Kuusiytimelliset Xeon suorittimet. Perustuvat Core arkkitehtuuriin Intel Itanium Intel Itanium 2
2.3.5 Intel Itanium 2
2.4 AMD:n prosessorit
2.4.1 K5
2.4.2 AMD Athlon Argon
2.4.3 AMD Athlon Pluto + Orion
2.4.4 AMD Athlon Thunderbird
2.4.5 AMD Athlon XP
2.4.6 AMD Athlon 64
2.4.7 AMD Athlon 64 X2 / Athlon X2
2.4.8 AMD Athlon 64 FX Athlon X2 (Perustuvat K10 arkkitehtuuriin)
2.4.9 AMD Phenom (Phenom 64)
2.4.10 AMD Sempron (myös Sempron 64)
2.4.11 AMD Sempron 64
2.4.12 AMD Turion 64
2.4.13 AMD Turion 64 X2
2.5 VIA:n prosessorit
2.5.1 VIA C3
2.5.2 VIA Eden-N
2.5.3 VIA C7
2.5.4 VIA Eden ULV
2.5.5 VIA Luke
3 Katso myös
4 Lähteet
5 Aiheesta muualla
Aikaisempien suorittimien virrankulutukset |
- EDVAC: keskimäärin 50 kW
- ORDVAC: keskimäärin 35 kW
UNIVAC 1: keskimäärin 124,5 kW
Mikroprosessorit |
Taulukkoja luettaessa on syytä huomata, että prosessorien erilaisten arkkitehtuurien vuoksi MHz/W -arvojen vertailu eri valmistajien suorittimien kesken ei ole mielekästä (katso Megahertsimyytti).
Huom: eräissä taulukoissa esiintyvä TDP (Thermal Design Power) -arvo on valmistajan ilmoittama suurin lämpöteho, joka tietokoneen jäähdytysjärjestelmän on kyettävä prosessorilta poistamaan. TDP-arvo kuvaa tyypillistä käyttötilannetta. Erityisesti suoritinta rasittamaan suunnitellut ohjelmat saattavat saada suorittimen tehohäviön paljon tyypillistä suuremmaksi.
IBM/Motorola/Freescale prosessorit |
PowerPC |
Malli | Scale | Kellotaajuus | Vcore | Teho |
Dual-core PowerPC MPC8641D | 90 nm | 2 GHz | 1,2 V | 15-25 W |
PowerPC 750FX | 0,13 µm | 900 MHz | 1,2 V | 3,6 W |
PowerPC 750CXe | 0,18 µm | 600 MHz | 1,8 V | 6 W |
PowerPC MGT560 (Performance=56 MIPS) | 0,20 µm | 56 MHz | 2,7 V | 0,5 W |
PowerPC 440GX | 800 MHz | 4,5 W | ||
PowerPC 970 | 1,8 GHz | 1,3 V | 42 W | |
PowerPC 7400e | 1,0 GHz | 1,6 V | 30 W |
Marvell XScale |
Marvell hankki ARM-lisenssin vuonna 2003 ja osti Intelin XScale-linjan 2006.[1].
80321 600 MHz, 0,5 W- PXA250
- PXA255
- PXA270
- PXA300
- PXA310
- PXA320
Intelin prosessorit |
Intel Atom |
Malli | Ytimen koodinimi (MHz) | Kellotaajuus | Teho (W) |
Atom 230 | Diamondville (45 nm) | 1,6 GHz | 4 W |
Atom 330 | Diamondville (45 nm) | 1,6 GHz | 8 W |
Atom N270 | Diamondville (45 nm) | 1,6 GHz | 2,5 W |
Atom N280 | Diamondville (45 nm) | 1,67 GHz | 2,5 W |
Atom D410 | Pineview (45 nm) | 1,66 GHz | 10 W |
Atom D510 | Pineview (45 nm) | 1,66 GHz | 13 W |
Atom D525 | Pineview (45 nm) | 1,8 GHz | 13 W |
Atom N450 | Pineview (45 nm) | 1,67 GHz | 5,5 W |
Atom N455 | Pineview (45 nm) | 1,67 GHz | 6,5 W |
Atom N470 | Pineview (45 nm) | 1,83 GHz | 6,5 W |
Atom N475 | Pineview (45 nm) | 1,83 GHz | 6,5 W |
Atom N550 (Dual-Core) | Pineview (45 nm) | 1,5x2 GHz | 8,5 W |
Atom N570 (Dual-Core) | Pineview (45 nm) | 1,66x2 GHz | 8,5 W |
Atom D2500 | Cedarview (32 nm) | 1,87 GHz | 10 W |
Atom D2550 | Cedarview (32 nm) | 1,87 GHz | 10 W |
Atom D2700 | Cedarview (32 nm) | 2,13 GHz | 10 W |
Atom N2600 | Cedarview (32 nm) | 1,6 GHz | 3,5 W |
Atom N2800 | Cedarview (32 nm) | 1,87 GHz | 6,5 W |
Atom Z500 | Silverthorne (45 nm) | 800 MHz | 0,65 W |
Atom Z510 | Silverthorne (45 nm) | 1,1 GHz | 2 W |
Atom Z510P | Silverthorne (45 nm) | 1,1 GHz | 2,2 W |
Atom Z510PT | Silverthorne (45 nm) | 1,1 GHz | 2,2 W |
Atom Z515 | Silverthorne (45 nm) | 1,2 GHz | 1,4 W |
Atom Z520 | Silverthorne (45 nm) | 1,33 GHz | 2 W |
Atom Z520PT | Silverthorne (45 nm) | 1,33 GHz | 2,2 W |
Atom Z530 | Silverthorne (45 nm) | 1,6 GHz | 2 W |
Atom Z530P | Silverthorne (45 nm) | 1,6 GHz | 2,2 W |
Atom Z540 | Silverthorne (45 nm) | 1,86 GHz | 2,4 W |
Atom Z550 | Silverthorne (45 nm) | 2 GHz | 2,4 W |
Atom Z560 | Silverthorne (45 nm) | 2,13 GHz | 2,4 W |
Työpöytäprosessorit |
Pentium |
Malli | Kellotaajuus | Teho |
Pentium | 75 MHz | 8,0 W |
Pentium | 90 MHz | 9,0 W |
Pentium | 100 MHz | 10,1 W |
Pentium | 120 MHz | 11,9 W |
Pentium | 133 MHz | 11,2 W |
Pentium | 150 MHz | 11,6 W |
Pentium | 166 MHz | 14,5 W |
Pentium | 200 MHz | 15,5 W |
Pentium MMX |
Malli | Kellotaajuus | Teho |
Pentium MMX | 166 MHz | 13,1 W |
Pentium MMX | 200 MHz | 15,7 W |
Pentium MMX | 233 MHz | 17,0 W |
Pentium II |
Malli | Kellotaajuus | Lämpöteho (TDP) |
Pentium II Mobile | 233 MHz | 9 W |
Pentium II Mobile | 266 MHz | 9,8 W |
Pentium II | 233 MHz | 34,8 W |
Pentium II (Deschutes) | 266 MHz | 16,8 W |
Pentium II (Klamath) | 266 MHz | 38,6 W |
Pentium II (Klamath) | 300 MHz | 43,0 W |
Pentium II (Deschutes) | 400 MHz | 24,3 W |
Pentium II | 450 MHz | 27,1 W |
Pentium III |
Malli | Kellotaajuus | Valmistajan ilmoittama lämpöteho (TDP) |
Pentium III | 450 MHz | 25,3 W |
Pentium III | 500 MHz | 28,0 W |
Pentium III-E | 500 MHz | 13,2 W |
Pentium III-(B) | 600 MHz | 34,5 W |
Pentium III-E(B) | 600 MHz | 15,8 W |
Pentium III | 700 MHz | 18,3 W |
Pentium III | 733 MHz | 19,1 W |
Pentium III | 800 MHz | 20,1 W |
Pentium III | 850 MHz | 25,7 W |
Pentium III | 866 MHz | 26,1 W |
Pentium III (SECC2) | 933 MHz | 25,5 W |
Pentium III (FC-PGA) | 933 MHz | 24,5 - 28,3 W |
Pentium III (FC-PGA) | 1000 MHz | 26,1 W |
Pentium III (FC-PGA2) | 1000 MHz | 29,0 W |
Pentium III (FC-PGA2) | 1200 MHz | 29,9 W |
Pentium III (FC-PGA2) | 1266 MHz | 29,5 W |
Pentium III (FC-PGA2) | 1400 MHz | 31,2 W |
Pentium 4 |
Vuoden 2000 marraskuussa julkaistu Pentium 4 perustui täysin uuteen mikroarkkitehtuuriin jota nimitetään NetBurstiksi. Pentium 4 suorittimet saavuttivat korkean kellotaajuuden käyttämällä aiempaa pidempää, jopa 20 vaiheista liukuhihnaa Williammette, Northwood ja Gallatin ytimiin perustuvissa Pentium 4 suorittimissa. Prescott koodinimellisissä suorittimissa käytettiin jopa 31 vaiheista liukuhihnaa. Pentium 4 suorittimissa on pisin toistaiseksi nähty käskyliukuhihna tähän asti.
Tuotteen mallinimi | suoritinydin | Suorittimen kellotaajuus | Tehohäviö |
Pentium 4 1.3 | Willamette (180 nm) | 1,3 GHz | 51.6 W |
Pentium 4 1.4 (Socket 423) | Willamette (180 nm) | 1.4 GHz | 54.7 W |
Pentium 4 1.4 (Socket 478) | Willamette (180 nm) | 1.4 GHz | 55.3 W |
Pentium 4 1.5 (Socket 423) | Willamette (180 nm) | 1.5 GHz | 57.8 W |
Pentium 4 1.5 (Socket 478) | Willamette (180 nm) | 1.5 GHz | 57.9 W |
Pentium 4 1.6 (Socket 423) | Willamette (180 nm) | 1.6 GHz | 61 W |
Pentium 4 1.6 (Socket 478) | Willamette (180 nm) | 1.6 GHz | 60.8 W |
Pentium 4 1.7 (Socket 423) | Willamette (180 nm) | 1.7 GHz | 64 W |
Pentium 4 1.7 (Socket 478) | Willamette (180 nm) | 1.7 GHz | 63.5 W |
Pentium 4 1.8 (Socket 423) | Willamette (180 nm) | 1.8 GHz | 66.7 W |
Pentium 4 1.8 (Socket 478) | Willamette (180 nm) | 1.8 GHz | 66.1 W |
Pentium 4 1.9 (Socket 423) | Willamette (180 nm) | 1.9 GHz | 69.2 W |
Pentium 4 1.9 (Socket 478) | Willamette (180 nm) | 1.9 GHz | 72.8 W |
Pentium 4 2.0 (Socket 423) | Willamette (180 nm) | 2 GHz | 71.8 W |
Pentium 4 2.0 (Socket 478) | Willamette (180 nm) | 2 GHz | 75.3 W |
Pentium 4 1.6A | Northwood (130 nm) | 1.6 GHz | 46.8 W |
Pentium 4 1.8A | Northwood (130 nm) | 1.8 GHz | 49.6 W |
Pentium 4 2.0A | Northwood (130 nm) | 2.0 GHz | 52.4 W |
Pentium 4 2.2 | Northwood (130 nm) | 2.2 GHz | 55.18 W |
Pentium 4 2.26 | Northwood (130 nm) | 2.26 GHz | 56.0 W |
Pentium 4 2.4 | Northwood (130 nm) | 2.4 GHz | 59.8 W |
Pentium 4 2.4B | Northwood (130 nm) | 2.4 GHz | 59.8 W |
Pentium 4 2.5 | Northwood (130 nm) | 2.5 GHz | 61 W |
Pentium 4 2.53 | Northwood (130 nm) | 2.53 GHz | 61.5 W |
Pentium 4 2.6 | Northwood (130 nm) | 2.6 GHz | 62.6 W |
Pentium 4 2.66 | Northwood (130 nm) | 2.66 GHz | 66.1 W |
Pentium 4 2.8 | Northwood (130 nm) | 2.8 GHz | 68.4 W |
Pentium 4 2.8B | Northwood (130 nm) | 2.8 GHz | 68.4 W |
Pentium 4 3.06 | Northwood (130 nm) | 3.06 GHz | 81.8 W |
Pentium 4 HT 2.4C | Northwood (130 nm) | 2.4 GHz | 66.2 W |
Pentium 4 HT 2.6 | Northwood (130 nm) | 2.6 GHz | 69 W |
Pentium 4 HT 2.8C | Northwood (130 nm) | 2.8 GHz | 69.7 W |
Pentium 4 HT 3.0 | Northwood (130 nm) | 3 GHz | 81.9 W |
Pentium 4 HT 3.2 | Northwood (130 nm) | 3.2 GHz | 82 W |
Pentium 4 HT 3.4 | Northwood (130 nm) | 3.4 GHz | 89 W |
Pentium 4 HT Extreme Edition 3.2 | Gallatin (130 nm) | 3.2 GHz | 92.1 W |
Pentium 4 HT Extreme Edition 3.4 | Gallatin (130 nm) | 3.4 GHz | 109.6 W tai 102.9 W |
Pentium 4 HT Extreme Edition 3.46 | Gallatin (130 nm) | 3.46 GHz | 110.7 W |
Pentium 4 2.4A | Prescott (90 nm) | 2.4 GHz | 89 W |
Pentium 4 2.66A | Prescott (90 nm) | 2.66 GHz | 89 W |
Pentium 4 2.8A | Prescott (90 nm) | 2.8 GHz | 89 W |
Pentium 4 505 | Prescott (90 nm) | 2.66 GHz | 84 W |
Pentium 4 505J | Prescott (90 nm) | 2.66 GHz | 84 W |
Pentium 4 506 | Prescott (90 nm) | 2.66 GHz | 84 W |
Pentium 4 510 | Prescott (90 nm) | 2.8 GHz | 84 W |
Pentium 4 510J | Prescott (90 nm) | 2.8 GHz | 84 W |
Pentium 4 511 | Prescott (90 nm) | 2.8 GHz | 84 W |
Pentium 4 515 | Prescott (90 nm) | 2.93 GHz | 84 W |
Pentium 4 515J | Prescott (90 nm) | 2.93 GHz | 84 W |
Pentium 4 516 | Prescott (90 nm) | 2.93 GHz | 84 W |
Pentium 4 519 | Prescott (90 nm) | 3.06 GHz | 84 W |
Pentium 4 519J | Prescott (90 nm) | 3.06 GHz | 84 W |
Pentium 4 519K | Prescott (90 nm) | 3.06 GHz | 84 W |
Pentium 4 HT 2.8E | Prescott (90 nm) | 2.8 GHz | 89 W |
Pentium 4 HT 3.0E | Prescott (90 nm) | 3 GHz | 89 W |
Pentium 4 HT 3.2E | Prescott (90 nm) | 3.2 GHz | 89 W |
Pentium 4 HT 3.4E | Prescott (90 nm) | 3.4 GHz | 89 W |
Pentium 4 HT 517 | Prescott (90 nm) | 2.93 GHz | 84 W |
Pentium 4 HT 520 | Prescott (90 nm) | 2.8 GHz | 84 W |
Pentium 4 HT 520J | Prescott (90 nm) | 2.8 GHz | 84 W |
Pentium 4 HT 521 | Prescott (90 nm) | 2.8 GHz | 84 W |
Pentium 4 HT 524 | Prescott (90 nm) | 3.06 GHz | 84 W |
Pentium 4 HT 530 | Prescott (90 nm) | 3 GHz | 84 W |
Pentium 4 HT 530J | Prescott (90 nm) | 3 GHz | 84 W |
Pentium 4 HT 531 | Prescott (90 nm) | 3 GHz | 84 W |
Pentium 4 HT 540 | Prescott (90 nm) | 3.2 GHz | 84 W |
Pentium 4 HT 540J | Prescott (90 nm) | 3.2 GHz | 84 W |
Pentium 4 HT 541 | Prescott (90 nm) | 3.2 GHz | 84 W |
Pentium 4 HT 550 | Prescott (90 nm) | 3.4 GHz | 115 W tai 84 W |
Pentium 4 HT 550J | Prescott (90 nm) | 3.4 GHz | 115 W tai 84 W |
Pentium 4 HT 551 | Prescott (90 nm) | 3.4 GHz | 115 W tai 84 W |
Pentium 4 HT 560 | Prescott (90 nm) | 3.6 GHz | 115 W |
Pentium 4 HT 560J | Prescott (90 nm) | 3.6 GHz | 115 W |
Pentium 4 HT 561 | Prescott (90 nm) | 3.6 GHz | 115 W |
Pentium 4 HT 570 | Prescott (90 nm) | 3.8 GHz | 115 W |
Pentium 4 HT 570J | Prescott (90 nm) | 3.8 GHz | 115 W |
Pentium 4 HT 571 | Prescott (90 nm) | 3.8 GHz | 115 W |
Pentium 4 HT 620 | Prescott 2M (90 nm) | 2.8 GHz | 84 W |
Pentium 4 HT 630 | Prescott 2M (90 nm) | 3 GHz | 84 W |
Pentium 4 HT 640 | Prescott 2M (90 nm) | 3.2 GHz | 84 W |
Pentium 4 HT 650 | Prescott 2M (90 nm) | 3.4 GHz | 84 W |
Pentium 4 HT 660 | Prescott 2M (90 nm) | 3.6 GHz | 115 W |
Pentium 4 HT 662 | Prescott 2M (90 nm) | 3.6 GHz | 115 W tai 84 W |
Pentium 4 HT 670 | Prescott 2M (90 nm) | 3.8 GHz | 115 W |
Pentium 4 HT 672 | Prescott 2M (90 nm) | 3.8 GHz | 115 W |
Pentium 4 HT Extreme Edition 3.73 | Prescott 2M (90 nm) | 3.73 GHz | 115 W |
Pentium 4 HT 631 | Cedar Mill (65 nm) | 3 GHz | 86 W tai 65 W (D0 Stepping) |
Pentium 4 HT 641 | Cedar Mill (65 nm) | 3.2 GHz | 86 W or 65 W |
Pentium 4 HT 651 | Cedar Mill (65 nm) | 3.4 GHz | 86 W or 65 W |
Pentium 4 HT 661 | Cedar Mill (65 nm) | 3.6 GHz | 86 W or 65 W |
Pentium D |
Mallinimi | Ydin | Kellotaajuus | Suorittimen tehohäviö |
Pentium D 805 | Smithfield (90 nm) | 2,66 GHz | 95 W |
Pentium D 820 | Smithfield (90 nm) | 2,8 GHz | 95 W |
Pentium D 830 | Smithfield (90 nm) | 3 GHz | 130 W |
Pentium D 840 | Smithfield (90 nm) | 3,2 GHz | 130 W |
Pentium Extreme Edition 840 | Smithfield (90 nm) | 3,2 GHz | 130 W |
Pentium D 915 | Presler (65 nm) | 2,8 GHz | 95 W |
Pentium D 920 | Presler (65 nm) | 2,8 GHz | 95 W |
Pentium D 925 | Presler (65 nm) | 3 GHz | 95 W |
Pentium D 930 | Presler (65 nm) | 3 GHz | 95 W |
Pentium D 935 | Presler (65 nm) | 3,2 GHz | 95 W |
Pentium D 940 | Presler (65 nm) | 3,2 GHz | 130 W tai 95 W |
Pentium D 945 | Presler (65 nm) | 3,4 GHz | 95 W |
Pentium D 950 | Presler (65 nm) | 3,4 GHz | 130 W tai 95 W |
Pentium D 960 | Presler (65 nm) | 3,6 GHz | 130 W tai 95 W |
Pentium Extreme Edition 955 | Presler (65 nm) | 3,46 GHz | 130 W |
Pentium Extreme Edition 965 | Presler (65 nm) | 3,73 GHz | 130 W |
Intel Core 2 |
- Pääartikkeli: Intel Core 2
Malli | Ydin | Suurin kellotaajuus (MHz) | Lämpöteho (TDP) |
Core 2 Duo E4200 | Conroe (65 nm) | 1.6 GHz | 65 W |
Core 2 Duo E4300 | Conroe (65 nm) | 1.8 GHz | 65 W |
Core 2 Duo E4400 | Conroe (65 nm) | 2 GHz | 65 W |
Core 2 Duo E4500 | Conroe (65 nm) | 2.2 GHz | 65 W |
Core 2 Duo E4600 | Conroe (65 nm) | 2.4 GHz | 65 W |
Core 2 Duo E4700 | Conroe (65 nm) | 2.6 GHz | 65 W |
Core 2 Duo E6300 | Conroe (65 nm) | 1.86 GHz | 65 W |
Core 2 Duo E6305 | Conroe (65 nm) | 1.86 GHz | 65 W |
Core 2 Duo E6320 | Conroe (65 nm) | 1.86 GHz | 65 W |
Core 2 Duo E6400 | Conroe (65 nm) | 2.13 GHz | 65 W |
Core 2 Duo E6305 | Conroe (65 nm) | 2.13 GHz | 65 W |
Core 2 Duo E6320 | Conroe (65 nm) | 2.13 GHz | 65 W |
Core 2 Duo E6540 | Conroe (65 nm) | 2.33 GHz | 65 W |
Core 2 Duo E6550 | Conroe (65 nm) | 2.33 GHz | 65 W |
Core 2 Duo E6600 | Conroe (65 nm) | 2.4 GHz | 65 W |
Core 2 Duo E6700 | Conroe (65 nm) | 2.66 GHz | 65 W |
Core 2 Duo E6750 | Conroe (65 nm) | 2.66 GHz | 65 W |
Core 2 Duo E6850 | Conroe (65 nm) | 3 GHz | 65 W |
Core 2 Extreme X6800 | Conroe (65 nm) | 2.93 GHz | 75 W |
Core 2 Quad Q6400 | Kentsfield (65 nm) | 2.13 GHz | ??.?? W |
Core 2 Quad Q6600 | Kentsfield (65 nm) | 2.4 GHz | 105 W tai 95 W |
Core 2 Quad Q6700 | Kentsfield (65 nm) | 2.66 GHz | 95 W |
Core 2 Extreme QX6700 | Kentsfield XE (65 nm) | 2.66 GHz | 130 W |
Core 2 Extreme QX6800 | Kentsfield XE (65 nm) | 2.93 GHz | 130 W |
Core 2 Extreme QX6850 | Kentsfield XE (65 nm) | 3 GHz | 130 W |
Core 2 Duo E7200 | Wolfdale (45 nm) | 2.53 GHz | 65 W |
Core 2 Duo E7300 | Wolfdale (45 nm) | 2.66 GHz | 65 W |
Core 2 Duo E7400 | Wolfdale (45 nm) | 2.8 GHz | 65 W |
Core 2 Duo E7500 | Wolfdale (45 nm) | 2.93 GHz | 65 W |
Core 2 Duo E7600 | Wolfdale (45 nm) | 3.06 GHz | 65 W |
Core 2 Duo E8190 | Wolfdale (45 nm) | 2.66 GHz | 65 W |
Core 2 Duo E8200 | Wolfdale (45 nm) | 2.66 GHz | 65 W |
Core 2 Duo E8300 | Wolfdale (45 nm) | 2.83 GHz | 65 W |
Core 2 Duo E8400 | Wolfdale (45 nm) | 3 GHz | 65 W |
Core 2 Duo E8500 | Wolfdale (45 nm) | 3.16 GHz | 65 W |
Core 2 Duo E8600 | Wolfdale (45 nm) | 3.33 GHz | 65 W |
Core 2 Quad Q8200S | Yorkfield (45 nm) | 2.33 GHz | 65 W |
Core 2 Quad Q8200 | Yorkfield (45 nm) | 2.33 GHz | 95 W |
Core 2 Quad Q8300 | Yorkfield (45 nm) | 2.5 GHz | 95 W |
Core 2 Quad Q8400S | Yorkfield (45 nm) | 2.66 GHz | 65 W |
Core 2 Quad Q8400 | Yorkfield (45 nm) | 2.66 GHz | 95 W |
Core 2 Quad Q9300 | Yorkfield (45 nm) | 2.5 GHz | 95 W |
Core 2 Quad Q9400S | Yorkfield (45 nm) | 2.66 GHz | 65 W |
Core 2 Quad Q9400 | Yorkfield (45 nm) | 2.66 GHz | 95 W |
Core 2 Quad Q9450 | Yorkfield (45 nm) | 2.66 GHz | 95 W |
Core 2 Quad Q9505S | Yorkfield (45 nm) | 2.83 GHz | 65 W |
Core 2 Quad Q9505 | Yorkfield (45 nm) | 2.83 GHz | 95 W |
Core 2 Quad Q9550S | Yorkfield (45 nm) | 2.83 GHz | 65 W |
Core 2 Quad Q9550 | Yorkfield (45 nm) | 2.83 GHz | 95 W |
Core 2 Quad Q9650 | Yorkfield (45 nm) | 3 GHz | 95 W |
Core 2 Extreme QX9650 | Yorkfield XE (45 nm) | 3 GHz | 130 W |
Core 2 Extreme QX9770 | Yorkfield XE (45 nm) | 3.2 GHz | 136 W |
Core 2 Extreme QX9775 | Yorkfield XE (45 nm) | 3.2 GHz | 150 W |
Intel Core i3 |
Malli | Ydin | Kellotaajuus | Lämpöteho |
Core i3-530 | Clarkdale (32 nm) | 2,93 GHz | 73 W |
Core i3-540 | Clarkdale (32 nm) | 3,06 GHz | 73 W |
Core i3-550 | Clarkdale (32 nm) | 3,2 GHz | 73 W |
Core i3-560 | Clarkdale (32 nm) | 3,33 GHz | 73 W |
Intel Core i5 |
Core i5 - 7xx sarja on keskitason neliydinvaihtoehto core i7 suorittimille. Core i5 suorittimet perustuvat Nehalem nikroarkkitehtuuriin. Core i5-7xx suorittimissa ei ole Hyper-thearding -tukea. Core i5 sarjan suorittimet käyttävät myös hitaampaa väylää suorittimelta emolevylle. Väylän tiedonsiirtokyky on 2,5 GT sekunnissa.
Malli | Ydin | Kellotaajuus | Lämpöteho (TDP) |
Core i5-750 | Lynnfield (45 nm) | 2,66 GHz | 95 W |
Core i5-750S | Lynnfield (45 nm) | 2,4 GHz | 82 W |
Core i5-760 | Lynnfield (45 nm) | 2,8 GHz | 95 W |
Core i5-650 | Clarkdale (32 nm) | 3,2 GHz | 73 W |
Core i5-655K | Clarkdale (32 nm) | 3,2 GHz | 73 W |
Core i5-660 | Clarkdale (32 nm) | 3,33 GHz | 73 W |
Core i5-661 | Clarkdale (32 nm) | 3,33 GHz | 87 W |
Core i5-670 | Clarkdale (32 nm) | 3,46 GHz | 73 W |
Core i5-680 | Clarkdale (32 nm) | 3,6 GHz | 73 W |
Intel Core i7 |
Core i7 on intelin tämänhetkinen tehokkaimpien suorittimien mallinimi. Suorittimet on suunniteltu pelitietokoneisiin ja keskisarjasta kirkkaimpaan kärken ulottuviin työpöytätietokoneisiin.
Malli | Ydin | Kellotaajuus | Lämpöteho (TDP) |
Core i7-860 | Lynnfield (45 nm) | 2,8 GHz | 95 W |
Core i7-860S | Lynnfield (45 nm) | 2,533 GHz | 82 W |
Core i7-870 | Lynnfield (45 nm) | 2,933 GHz | 95 W |
Core i7-875K | Lynnfield (45 nm) | 2,933 GHz | 95 W |
Core i7-880 | Lynnfield (45 nm) | 3,067 GHz | 95 W |
Core i7-920 | Bloomfield (45 nm) | 2,667 GHz | 130 W |
Core i7-930 | Bloomfield (45 nm) | 2,8 GHz | 130 W |
Core i7-940 | Bloomfield (45 nm) | 2,933 GHz | 130 W |
Core i7-950 | Bloomfield (45 nm) | 3,067 GHz | 130 W |
Core i7-960 | Bloomfield (45 nm) | 3,2 GHz | 130 W |
Core i7-965 Extreme Edition | Bloomfield (45 nm) | 3,2 GHz | 130 W |
Core i7-975 Extreme Edition | Bloomfield (45 nm) | 3,333 GHz | 130 W |
Core i7-970 | Gulftown (32 nm) | 3,2 GHz | 130 W |
Core i7-980X Extreme Edition | Gulftown (32 nm) | 3,333 GHz @ 6 Cores | 130 W |
Core i7-2600 | Sandybridge (32 nm) | 3,4 GHz @ 4 Cores | 95 W |
Core i7-2600S | Sandybridge (32 nm) | 2,8 GHz @ 4 Cores | 65 W |
Core i7-2600K | Sandybridge (32 nm) | 3,4 GHz @ 4 Cores | 95 W |
Core i7-2700K | Sandybridge (32 nm) | 3,5 GHz @ 4 Cores | 95 W |
Core i7-3930K | Sandybridge-E (32 nm) | 3,2 GHz @ 6 Cores | 130 W |
Core i7 3960X Extreme Edition | Sandybridge-E (32 nm) | 3,3 GHz @ 6 Cores | 130 W |
Core i7 3970X Extreme Edition | Sandy Bridge-E (32 nm) | 3.5 GHz @ 6 Cores | 150 W |
Core i7-4770K | Haswell (22 nm) | 3.5 GHz @ 4 Cores | 84 W |
Core i7-4770S | Haswell (22 nm) | 3.1 GHz @ 4 Cores | 65 W |
Core i7-4790K | Haswell (22 nm) | 4.0 GHz @ 4 Cores | 88 W |
Core i7-4820K | Ivy Bridge-E (22 nm) | 3.7 GHz @ 4 Cores | 130 W |
Core i7-4930K | Ivy Bridge-E (22 nm) | 3.4 GHz @ 6 Cores | 130 W |
Core i7-4960X Extreme Edition | Ivy Bridge-E (22 nm) | 3.6 GHz @ 6 Cores | 130 W |
Core i7-5820K | Haswell-E (22 nm) | 3.3 GHz @ 6 Cores | 140 W |
Core i7-5930K | Haswell-E (22 nm) | 3.5 GHz @ 6 Cores | 140 W |
Core i7-5960X Extreme Edition | Haswell-E (22 nm) | 3.0 GHz @ 8 Cores | 140 W |
Core i5-6600K | Skylake (14 nm) | 3.5 GHz @ 4 Cores | 91 W |
Core i7-6700K | Skylake (14 nm) | 4.0 GHz @ 4 Cores | 91 W |
Core i7-6800K | Broadwell-E (14 nm) | 3.4 GHz @ 6 Cores | 140 W |
Core i7-6850K | Broadwell-E (14 nm) | 3.6 GHz @ 6 Cores | 140 W |
Core i7-6900K | Broadwell-E (14 nm) | 3.2 GHz @ 8 Cores | 140 W |
Core i7-6950X | Broadwell-E (14 nm) | 3.0 GHz @ 10 Cores | 140 W |
Intel Celeron |
P6 ytimeen perustuvien Celeron suorittimien luettelo.
Malli | Ydin | Kellotaajuus | Lämpöteho (TDP) |
Celeron 266 | Covington (250 nm) | 266 MHz | 16.6 W |
Celeron 300 | Covington (250 nm) | 300 MHz | 18.4 W |
Celeron 300A | Mendocino (250 nm) | 300 MHz | 19 W |
Celeron 300A | Mendocino (250 nm) | 300 MHz | 20.9 W |
Celeron 333 | Mendocino (250 nm) | 333 MHz | 20.9 W |
Celeron 333 | Mendocino (250 nm) | 333 MHz | 20.9 W |
Celeron 366 | Mendocino (250 nm) | 366 MHz | 21.7 W |
Celeron 366 | Mendocino (250 nm) | 366 MHz | 21.7 W |
Celeron 400 | Mendocino (250 nm) | 400 MHz | 23.7 W |
Celeron 400 | Mendocino (250 nm) | 400 MHz | 23.7 W |
Celeron 433 | Mendocino (250 nm) | 433 MHz | 24.6 W |
Celeron 433 | Mendocino (250 nm) | 433 MHz | 24.1 W |
Celeron 466 | Mendocino (250 nm) | 466 MHz | 25.7 W |
Celeron 500 | Mendocino (250 nm) | 500 MHz | 27.2 W |
Celeron 533 | Mendocino (250 nm) | 533 MHz | 28.3 W |
Celeron 533A | Coppermine-128 (180 nm) | 533 MHz | 11.2 W |
Celeron 566 | Coppermine-128 (180 nm) | 566 MHz | 11.9 W |
Celeron 600 | Coppermine-128 (180 nm) | 600 MHz | 12.6 W |
Celeron 633 | Coppermine-128 (180 nm) | 633 MHz | 20.2 W |
Celeron 667 | Coppermine-128 (180 nm) | 667 MHz | 21.1 W |
Celeron 700 | Coppermine-128 (180 nm) | 700 MHz | 21.9 W |
Celeron 733 | Coppermine-128 (180 nm) | 733 MHz | 22.8 W |
Celeron 766 | Coppermine-128 (180 nm) | 766 MHz | 23.6 W |
Celeron 800 | Coppermine-128 (180 nm) | 800 MHz | 24.5 W |
Celeron 850 | Coppermine-128 (180 nm) | 850 MHz | 25.7 W |
Celeron 900 | Coppermine-128 (180 nm) | 900 MHz | 26.7 W |
Celeron 950 | Coppermine-128 (180 nm) | 950 MHz | 28 W |
Celeron 1000 | Coppermine-128 (180 nm) | 1 GHz | 29 W |
Celeron 1100 | Coppermine-128 (180 nm) | 1.1 GHz | 33 W |
Celeron 1000A | Tualatin-256 (130 nm) | 1 GHz | 29.5 W |
Celeron 1100A | Tualatin-256 (130 nm) | 1.1 GHz | 29.5 W |
Celeron 1200 | Tualatin-256 (130 nm) | 1.2 GHz | 29.5 W |
Celeron 1300 | Tualatin-256 (130 nm) | 1.3 GHz | 32 W |
Celeron 1400 | Tualatin-256 (130 nm) | 1.4 GHz | 33.2 W |
Intel Celeron NetBurst arkkitehtuuriin perustuvien suoritinten luettelo
Malli | Ydin | Suurin kellotaajuus (MHz) | Lämpöteho (TDP) |
Celeron 1.5 | Willamette-128 (180 nm) | 1.5 GHz | ??.?? W |
Celeron 1.6 | Willamette-128 (180 nm) | 1.6 GHz | ??.?? W |
Celeron 1.7 | Willamette-128 (180 nm) | 1.7 GHz | 63.5 W |
Celeron 1.8 | Willamette-128 (180 nm) | 1.8 GHz | 66.1 W |
Celeron 1.6 | Northwood-128 (130 nm) | 1.6 GHz | ??.?? W |
Celeron 1.8 | Northwood-128 (130 nm) | 1.8 GHz | 59.1 W |
Celeron 2.0 | Northwood-128 (130 nm) | 2 GHz | 52.8 W |
Celeron 2.1 | Northwood-128 (130 nm) | 2.1 GHz | 55.5 W |
Celeron 2.2 | Northwood-128 (130 nm) | 2.2 GHz | 57.1 W |
Celeron 2.3 | Northwood-128 (130 nm) | 2.3 GHz | 58.3 W |
Celeron 2.4 | Northwood-128 (130 nm) | 2.4 GHz | 59.8 W |
Celeron 2.5 | Northwood-128 (130 nm) | 2.5 GHz | 61 W |
Celeron 2.6 | Northwood-128 (130 nm) | 2.6 GHz | 62.6 W |
Celeron 2.7 | Northwood-128 (130 nm) | 2.7 GHz | 66.8 W |
Celeron 2.8 | Northwood-128 (130 nm) | 2.8 GHz | 68.4 W |
Intel Celeron D |
Malli | Suorittimen ydin | Kellotaajuus | Tehohäviö |
Celeron D 310 | Prescott-256 (90 nm) | 2.13 GHz | 73 W |
Celeron D 315 | Prescott-256 (90 nm) | 2.26 GHz | 73 W |
Celeron D 320 | Prescott-256 (90 nm) | 2.4 GHz | 73 W |
Celeron D 325 | Prescott-256 (90 nm) | 2.53 GHz | 73 W |
Celeron D 325J | Prescott-256 (90 nm) | 2.53 GHz | 84 W |
Celeron D 326 | Prescott-256 (90 nm) | 2.53 GHz | 84 W |
Celeron D 330 | Prescott-256 (90 nm) | 2.66 GHz | 73 W |
Celeron D 330J | Prescott-256 (90 nm) | 2.66 GHz | 84 W |
Celeron D 331 | Prescott-256 (90 nm) | 2.66 GHz | 84 W |
Celeron D 335 | Prescott-256 (90 nm) | 2.8 GHz | 73 W |
Celeron D 335J | Prescott-256 (90 nm) | 2.8 GHz | 84 W |
Celeron D 336 | Prescott-256 (90 nm) | 2.8 GHz | 84 W |
Celeron D 340 | Prescott-256 (90 nm) | 2.93 GHz | 73 W |
Celeron D 340J | Prescott-256 (90 nm) | 2.93 GHz | 84 W |
Celeron D 341 | Prescott-256 (90 nm) | 2.93 GHz | 84 W |
Celeron D 345 | Prescott-256 (90 nm) | 3.06 GHz | 73 W |
Celeron D 345J | Prescott-256 (90 nm) | 3.06 GHz | 84 W |
Celeron D 346 | Prescott-256 (90 nm) | 3.06 GHz | 84 W |
Celeron D 350 | Prescott-256 (90 nm) | 3.2 GHz | 73 W |
Celeron D 351 | Prescott-256 (90 nm) | 3.2 GHz | 84 W |
Celeron D 355 | Prescott-256 (90 nm) | 3.33 GHz | 84 W |
Celeron D 347 | Cedar Mill-512 (65 nm) | 3.06 GHz | 86 or 65 W |
Celeron D 352 | Cedar Mill-512 (65 nm) | 3.2 GHz | 86 or 65 W |
Celeron D 356 | Cedar Mill-512 (65 nm) | 3.33 GHz | 86 or 65 W |
Celeron D 360 | Cedar Mill-512 (65 nm) | 3.46 GHz | 65 W |
Celeron D 365 | Cedar Mill-512 (65 nm) | 3.6 GHz | 65 W |
Intel celeron (Core arkkitehtuuriin perustuvat) |
Suorittimen malli | Suoritinydin | Kellotaajuus | Suorittimen tehohäviö |
Celeron 220 | Conroe-L (65 nm) | 1.2 GHz | 19 W |
Celeron 420 | Conroe-L (65 nm) | 1.6 GHz | 35 W |
Celeron 430 | Conroe-L (65 nm) | 1.8 GHz | 35 W |
Celeron 440 | Conroe-L (65 nm) | 2 GHz | 35 W |
Celeron 450 | Conroe-CL (65 nm) | 2.2 GHz | 35 W |
Intel Celeron Dual Core |
Suorittimen malli | Suoritinydin | Kellotaajuus | Suorittimen tehohäviö |
Celeron Dual-Core E1200 | Allendale (65 nm) | 1.6 GHz | 65 W |
Celeron Dual-Core E1400 | Allendale (65 nm) | 2 GHz | 65 W |
Celeron Dual-Core E1500 | Allendale (65 nm) | 2.2 GHz | 65 W |
Celeron Dual-Core E1600 | Allendale (65 nm) | 2.4 GHz | 65 W |
Celeron Dual-Core E3200 | Wolfdale (45 nm) | 2.4 GHz | 65 W |
Celeron Dual-Core E3300 | Wolfdale (45 nm) | 2.5 GHz | 65 W |
Intel Pentium Dual core |
Tosin kuin alkuperäisissä Pentium suorittimissa, näissä on kaksi suoritinydintä samalla piisirulla. Dual core pentiumit käyttävät samaa mikroarkkitehtuuria kuin Core 2 Duo suorittimet.
Suorittimen nimi | Suoritinydin | Suorittimen kellotaajuus | Suunniteltu tehohäviö |
Pentium Dual-Core E2140 | Conroe (65 nm) | 1.6 GHz | 65 W |
Pentium Dual-Core E2160 | Conroe (65 nm) | 1.8 GHz | 65 W |
Pentium Dual-Core E2180 | Conroe (65 nm) | 2 GHz | 65 W |
Pentium Dual-Core E2200 | Conroe (65 nm) | 2.2 GHz | 65 W |
Pentium Dual-Core E2220 | Conroe (65 nm) | 2.4 GHz | 65 W |
Pentium Dual-Core E2210 | Wolfdale (45 nm) | 2.2 GHz | 65 W |
Pentium Dual-Core E5200 | Wolfdale (45 nm) | 2.5 GHz | 65 W |
Pentium Dual-Core E5300 | Wolfdale (45 nm) | 2.6 GHz | 65 W |
Pentium Dual-Core E5400 | Wolfdale (45 nm) | 2.7 GHz | 65 W |
Pentium Dual-Core E5500 | Wolfdale (45 nm) | 2.8 GHz | 65 W |
Pentium E6300 | Wolfdale (45 nm) | 2.8 GHz | 65 W |
Pentium E6500 | Wolfdale (45 nm) | 2.93 GHz | 65 W |
Pentium E6500K | Wolfdale (45 nm) | 2.93 GHz | 65 W |
Pentium E6600 | Wolfdale (45 nm) | 3.06 GHz | 65 W |
Pentium G6950 | Clarkdale (32 nm) | 2.8 GHz | 73 W |
Kannettavien tietokoneiden prosessorit |
Mobile Pentium II |
Malli | Ydin | Kellotaajuus | Suorittimen tehohäviö |
Mobile Pentium II 233 | Tonga (250 nm) | 233 MHz | 9 W |
Mobile Pentium II 266 | Tonga (250 nm) | 266 MHz | 10.3 W |
Mobile Pentium II 300 | Tonga (250 nm) | 300 MHz | 11.6 W |
Mobile Pentium II 266PE | Dixon (250 nm) | 266 MHz | 10.6 W |
Mobile Pentium II 300PE | Dixon (250 nm) | 300 MHz | 12 W |
Mobile Pentium II 333 | Dixon (250 nm) | 333 MHz | 12.7 W |
Mobile Pentium II 366 | Dixon (250 nm) | 366 MHz | 14.1 W |
Pentium III-M |
Malli | Ydin | Kellotaajuus | Suorittimen tehohäviö |
Pentium III-M 866 | ? (130 nm) | 866 MHz | 19.5 W |
Pentium III-M 933 | ? (130 nm) | 933 MHz | 20.1 W |
Pentium III-M 1000 | Tualatin (130 nm) | 1 GHz | 20.5 W |
Pentium III-M 1066 | Tualatin (130 nm) | 1.06 GHz | 21 W |
Pentium III-M 1133 | Tualatin (130 nm) | 1.13 GHz | 21.8 W |
Pentium III-M 1200 | Tualatin (130 nm) | 1.2 GHz | 22 W |
Pentium III-M 1266 | Tualatin (130 nm) | 1.26 GHz | 22 W |
Pentium III-M 1333 | Tualatin (130 nm) | 1.33 GHz | 22 W |
Pentium III-M 1400 | Tualatin (130 nm) | 1.40 GHz | 22 W |
Pentium III-M LV 733 | ? (130 nm) | 733 MHz | 9.3 W |
Pentium III-M LV 750 | ? (130 nm) | 750 MHz | 9.4 W |
Pentium III-M LV 800 | ? (130 nm) | 800 MHz | 9.25 W |
Pentium III-M LV 850 | ? (130 nm) | 850 MHz | 10 W |
Pentium III-M LV 866 | ? (130 nm) | 866 MHz | 10.1 W |
Pentium III-M LV 933 | ? (130 nm) | 933 MHz | 10.5 W |
Pentium III-M LV 1000 | ? (130 nm) | 1 GHz | 11 W |
Pentium III-M ULV 700 | ? (130 nm) | 700 MHz | 7 W |
Pentium III-M ULV 733 | ? (130 nm) | 733 MHz | 7 W |
Pentium III-M ULV 750 | ? (130 nm) | 750 MHz | 7 W |
Pentium III-M ULV 800 | ? (130 nm) | 800 MHz | 7 W |
Pentium III-M ULV 850 | ? (130 nm) | 850 MHz | 7 W |
Pentium III-M ULV 866 | ? (130 nm) | 866 MHz | 7 W |
Pentium III-M ULV 900 | ? (130 nm) | 900 MHz | 7 W |
Pentium III-M ULV 933 | ? (130 nm) | 933 MHz | 7 W |
Pentium 4 |
Malli | Ydin | Kellotaajuus | Suorittimen tehohäviö |
Pentium 4-M 1.4 | Northwood (130 nm) | 1.4 GHz | 25.8 W |
Pentium 4-M 1.5 | Northwood (130 nm) | 1.5 GHz | 26.9 W |
Pentium 4-M 1.6 | Northwood (130 nm) | 1.6 GHz | 30 W |
Pentium 4-M 1.7 | Northwood (130 nm) | 1.7 GHz | 30 W |
Pentium 4-M 1.8 | Northwood (130 nm) | 1.8 GHz | 30 W |
Pentium 4-M 1.9 | Northwood (130 nm) | 1.9 GHz | 32 W |
Pentium 4-M 2.0 | Northwood (130 nm) | 2 GHz | 32 W |
Pentium 4-M 2.2 | Northwood (130 nm) | 2.2 GHz | 35 W |
Pentium 4-M 2.4 | Northwood (130 nm) | 2.4 GHz | 35 W |
Pentium 4-M 2.5 | Northwood (130 nm) | 2.5 GHz | 35 W |
Pentium 4-M 2.6 | Northwood (130 nm) | 2.6 GHz | 35 W |
Mobile Pentium 4 2.4 | Northwood (130 nm) | 2.4 GHz | 59.8 W |
Mobile Pentium 4 2.66 | Northwood (130 nm) | 2.66 GHz | 66.1 W |
Mobile Pentium 4 2.8 | Northwood (130 nm) | 2.8 GHz | 68.4 W |
Mobile Pentium 4 3.06 | Northwood (130 nm) | 3.06 GHz | 70 W |
Mobile Pentium 4 HT 2.66 | Northwood (130 nm) | 2.66 GHz | 61 W |
Mobile Pentium 4 HT 2.8 | Northwood (130 nm) | 2.8 GHz | 68.4 W |
Mobile Pentium 4 HT 3.06 | Northwood (130 nm) | 3.06 | 70 W |
Mobile Pentium 4 HT 3.2 | Northwood (130 nm) | 3.2 GHz | 76 W |
Mobile Pentium 4 HT 518 | Prescott (90 nm) | 2.8 GHz | 88 W |
Mobile Pentium 4 HT 532 | Prescott (90 nm) | 3.06 GHz | 88 W |
Mobile Pentium 4 HT 538 | Prescott (90 nm) | 3.2 GHz | 88 W |
Mobile Pentium 4 HT 548 | Prescott (90 nm) | 3.33 GHz | 88 W |
Mobile Pentium 4 HT 552 | Prescott (90 nm) | 3.46 GHz | 88 W |
Intel Pentium M [2] |
Malli | Suoritinydin | Kellotaajuus | Suorittimen tehohäviö |
Pentium M 1.3 | Banias (130 nm) | 1.3 GHz | 22 W |
Pentium M 1.4 | Banias (130 nm) | 1.4 GHz | 22 W |
Pentium M 1.5 | Banias (130 nm) | 1.5 GHz | 24.5 W |
Pentium M 1.6 | Banias (130 nm) | 1.6 GHz | 24.5 W |
Pentium M 1.7 | Banias (130 nm) | 1.7 GHz | 24.5 W |
Pentium M LV 1.1 | Banias (130 nm ) | 1.1 GHz | 12 W |
Pentium M LV 1.2 | Banias (130 nm ) | 1.2 GHz | 12 W |
Pentium M LV 718 | Banias (130 nm ) | 1.3 GHz | 12 W |
Pentium M ULV 900 | Banias (130 nm) | 900 MHz | 7 W |
Pentium M ULV 1.0 | Banias (130 nm) | 1 GHz | 7 W |
Pentium M ULV 713 | Banias (130 nm) | 1.1 GHz | 7 W |
Pentium M 710 | Dothan (90 nm) | 1.4 GHz | 21 W |
Pentium M 715 | Dothan (90 nm) | 1.5 GHz | 21 W |
Pentium M 715A | Dothan (90 nm) | 1.5 GHz | 21 W |
Pentium M 725 | Dothan (90 nm) | 1.6 GHz | 21 W |
Pentium M 725A | Dothan (90 nm) | 1.6 GHz | 21 W |
Pentium M 730 | Dothan (90 nm) | 1.6 GHz | 27 W |
Pentium M 735 | Dothan (90 nm) | 1.7 GHz | 21 W |
Pentium M 735A | Dothan (90 nm) | 1.7 GHz | 21 W |
Pentium M 740 | Dothan (90 nm) | 1.73 GHz | 27 W |
Pentium M 745 | Dothan (90 nm) | 1.8 GHz | 21 W |
Pentium M 745A | Dothan (90 nm) | 1.8 GHz | 21 W |
Pentium M 750 | Dothan (90 nm) | 1.86 GHz | 27 W |
Pentium M 755 | Dothan (90 nm) | 2 GHz | 21 W |
Pentium M 760 | Dothan (90 nm) | 2 GHz | 27 W |
Pentium M 765 | Dothan (90 nm) | 2.1 GHz | 21 W |
Pentium M 770 | Dothan (90 nm) | 2.13 GHz | 27 W |
Pentium M 780 | Dothan (90 nm) | 2.26 GHz | 27 W |
Pentium M LV 738 | Dothan (90 nm) | 1.4 GHz | 10 W |
Pentium M LV 758 | Dothan (90 nm) | 1.5 GHz | 10 W |
Pentium M LV 778 | Dothan (90 nm) | 1.6 GHz | 10 W |
Pentium M ULV 723 | Dothan (90 nm) | 1 GHz | 5 W |
Pentium M ULV 733 | Dothan (90 nm) | 1.1 GHz | 5 W |
Pentium M ULV 733J | Dothan (90 nm) | 1.1 GHz | 5 W |
Pentium M ULV 753 | Dothan (90 nm) | 1.2 GHz | 5 W |
Pentium M ULV 773 | Dothan (90 nm) | 1.3 GHz | 5 W |
Pentium D |
Malli | Kellotaajuus (GHz) | FSB (MHz) | TDP (W) | Core (Process; Stepping) |
E2180, E2200, E2220 | 2,0, 2,2, 2,4 | 800 | 65 | Allendale (65nm; M0) |
E2140, E2160 | 1,6, 1,8 | 800 | 65 | Allendale (65nm; L2/M0) |
T2310, T2330, T2370 | 1,46, 1,60, 1,74 | 533 | 35 | Merom-2M (65nm; M0) |
T2130 | 1,86 | 533 | 31 | Yonah (65nm; D0) |
T2060, T2080 | 1,60, 1,73 | 533 | 31 | Yonah (65nm; D0) |
Core Duo |
Mallinimi | Ydin | Suurin kellotaajuus | Tehohäviö |
Core Solo T1200 | Yonah (65 nm) | 1.5 GHz | 27 W |
Core Solo T1300 | Yonah (65 nm) | 1.66 GHz | 27 W |
Core Solo T1350 | Yonah (65 nm) | 1.86 GHz | 31 W |
Core Solo T1400 | Yonah (65 nm) | 1.83 GHz | 27 W |
Core Solo T1500 | Yonah (65 nm) | 2 GHz | 27 W |
Core Solo T1600 | Yonah (65 nm) | 2.16 GHz | 27 W |
Core Solo U1300 | Yonah (65 nm) | 1.06 GHz | 6 W |
Core Solo U1400 | Yonah (65 nm) | 1.2 GHz | 6 W |
Core Solo U1500 | Yonah (65 nm) | 1.33 GHz | 5.5 W |
Core Duo L2300 | Yonah (65 nm) | 1.5 GHz | 15 W |
Core Duo L2400 | Yonah (65 nm) | 1.66 GHz | 15 W |
Core Duo L2500 | Yonah (65 nm) | 1.83 GHz | 15 W |
Core Duo T2050 | Yonah (65 nm) | 1.6 GHz | 31 W |
Core Duo T2250 | Yonah (65 nm) | 1.73 GHz | 31 W |
Core Duo T2300 | Yonah (65 nm) | 1.66 GHz | 31 W |
Core Duo T2300E | Yonah (65 nm) | 1.66 GHz | 31 W |
Core Duo T2350 | Yonah (65 nm) | 1.86 GHz | 31 W |
Core Duo T2400 | Yonah (65 nm) | 1.83 GHz | 31 W |
Core Duo T2450 | Yonah (65 nm) | 2 GHz | 31 W |
Core Duo T2500 | Yonah (65 nm) | 2 GHz | 31 W |
Core Duo T2600 | Yonah (65 nm) | 2.16 GHz | 31 W |
Core Duo T2700 | Yonah (65 nm) | 2.33 GHz | 31 W |
Core Duo U2400 | Yonah (65 nm) | 1.06 GHz | 9 W |
Core Duo U2500 | Yonah (65 nm) | 1.2 GHz | 9 W |
Core 2 sarja kannettaville tietokoneille |
Mallinimi | Suoritinydin | Kellotaajuus | Suorittimen tehohäviö |
Core 2 Solo U2100 | Merom-L (65 nm) | 1.06 GHz | 5.5 W |
Core 2 Solo U2200 | Merom-L (65 nm) | 1.2 GHz | 5.5 W |
Core 2 Duo LV7200 | Merom (65 nm) | 1.33 GHz | 17 W |
Core 2 Duo LV7300 | Merom (65 nm) | 1.4 GHz | 17 W |
Core 2 Duo LV7400 | Merom (65 nm) | 1.5 GHz | 17 W |
Core 2 Duo LV7500 | Merom (65 nm) | 1.6 GHz | 17 W |
Core 2 Duo LV7700 | Merom (65 nm) | 1.8 GHz | 17 W |
Core 2 Duo T5200 | Merom (65 nm) | 1.6 GHz | 34 W |
Core 2 Duo T5250 | Merom (65 nm) | 1.5 GHz | 35 W |
Core 2 Duo T5270 | Merom (65 nm) | 1.4 GHz | 35 W |
Core 2 Duo T5300 | Merom (65 nm) | 1.73 GHz | 34 W |
Core 2 Duo T5450 | Merom (65 nm) | 1.66 GHz | 34 W |
Core 2 Duo T5470 | Merom (65 nm) | 1.6 GHz | 34 W |
Core 2 Duo T5500 | Merom (65 nm) | 1.66 GHz | 34 W |
Core 2 Duo T5550 | Merom (65 nm) | 1.83 GHz | 35 W |
Core 2 Duo T5600 | Merom (65 nm) | 1.83 GHz | 34 W |
Core 2 Duo T5670 | Merom (65 nm) | 1.8 GHz | 35 W |
Core 2 Duo T5750 | Merom (65 nm) | 2 GHz | 35 W |
Core 2 Duo T5800 | Merom (65 nm) | 2 GHz | 35 W |
Core 2 Duo T5850 | Merom (65 nm) | 2.16 GHz | 35 W |
Core 2 Duo T5870 | Merom (65 nm) | 2 GHz | 35 W |
Core 2 Duo T5900 | Merom (65 nm) | 2.2 GHz | 35 W |
Core 2 Duo T7100 | Merom (65 nm) | 1.8 GHz | 35 W |
Core 2 Duo T7200 | Merom (65 nm) | 2 GHz | 34 W |
Core 2 Duo T7250 | Merom (65 nm) | 2 GHz | 35 W |
Core 2 Duo T7300 | Merom (65 nm) | 2 GHz | 35 W |
Core 2 Duo T7400 | Merom (65 nm) | 2.16 GHz | 34 W |
Core 2 Duo T7500 | Merom (65 nm) | 2.2 GHz | 35 W |
Core 2 Duo T7600 | Merom (65 nm) | 2.33 GHz | 34 W |
Core 2 Duo T7700 | Merom (65 nm) | 2.4 GHz | 35 W |
Core 2 Duo T7800 | Merom (65 nm) | 2.6 GHz | 35 W |
Core 2 Duo U7500 | Merom (65 nm) | 1.06 GHz | 10 W |
Core 2 Duo U7600 | Merom (65 nm) | 1.2 GHz | 10 W |
Core 2 Duo U7700 | Merom (65 nm) | 1.33 GHz | 10 W |
Core 2 Extreme X7800 | Merom (65 nm) | 2.6 GHz | 44 W |
Core 2 Extreme X7900 | Merom (65 nm) | 2.8 GHz | 44 W |
Core 2 Solo SU3300 | Penryn-3M (45 nm) | 1.2 GHz | 5.5 W |
Core 2 Solo SU3500 | Penryn-3M (45 nm) | 1.4 GHz | 5.5 W |
Core 2 Duo P7350 | Penryn (45 nm) | 2 GHz | 25 W |
Core 2 Duo P7370 | Penryn (45 nm) | 2 GHz | 25 W |
Core 2 Duo P7450 | Penryn (45 nm) | 2.13 GHz | 25 W |
Core 2 Duo P7550 | Penryn (45 nm) | 2.26 GHz | 25 W |
Core 2 Duo P8400 | Penryn (45 nm) | 2.26 GHz | 25 W |
Core 2 Duo P8600 | Penryn (45 nm) | 2.4 GHz | 25 W |
Core 2 Duo P8700 | Penryn (45 nm) | 2.53 GHz | 25 W |
Core 2 Duo P8800 | Penryn (45 nm) | 2.66 GHz | 25 W |
Core 2 Duo P9500 | Penryn (45 nm) | 2.53 GHz | 25 W |
Core 2 Duo P9600 | Penryn (45 nm) | 2.66 GHz | 25 W |
Core 2 Duo P9700 | Penryn (45 nm) | 2.8 GHz | 28 W |
Core 2 Duo SL9300 | Penryn (45 nm) | 1.6 GHz | 17 W |
Core 2 Duo SL9380 | Penryn (45 nm) | 1.8 GHz | 17 W |
Core 2 Duo SL9400 | Penryn (45 nm) | 1.86 GHz | 17 W |
Core 2 Duo SL9600 | Penryn (45 nm) | 2.13 GHz | 17 W |
Core 2 Duo SP9300 | Penryn (45 nm) | 2.26 GHz | 25 W |
Core 2 Duo SP9400 | Penryn (45 nm) | 2.4 GHz | 25 W |
Core 2 Duo SP9600 | Penryn (45 nm) | 2.53 GHz | 25 W |
Core 2 Duo SU7300 | Penryn (45 nm) | 1.3 GHz | 10 W |
Core 2 Duo SU9300 | Penryn (45 nm) | 1.2 GHz | 10 W |
Core 2 Duo SU9400 | Penryn (45 nm) | 1.4 GHz | 10 W |
Core 2 Duo SU9600 | Penryn (45 nm) | 1.6 GHz | 10 W |
Core 2 Duo T6400 | Penryn (45 nm) | 2 GHz | 35 W |
Core 2 Duo T6500 | Penryn (45 nm) | 2.1 GHz | 35 W |
Core 2 Duo T6570 | Penryn (45 nm) | 2.1 GHz | 35 W |
Core 2 Duo T6600 | Penryn (45 nm) | 2.2 GHz | 35 W |
Core 2 Duo T6670 | Penryn (45 nm) | 2.2 GHz | 35 W |
Core 2 Duo T8100 | Penryn (45 nm) | 2.1 GHz | 35 W |
Core 2 Duo T8300 | Penryn (45 nm) | 2.4 GHz | 35 W |
Core 2 Duo T9300 | Penryn (45 nm) | 2.5 GHz | 35 W |
Core 2 Duo T9400 | Penryn (45 nm) | 2.53 GHz | 35 W |
Core 2 Duo T9500 | Penryn (45 nm) | 2.6 GHz | 35 W |
Core 2 Duo T9550 | Penryn (45 nm) | 2.66 GHz | 35 W |
Core 2 Duo T9600 | Penryn (45 nm) | 2.8 GHz | 35 W |
Core 2 Duo T9800 | Penryn (45 nm) | 2.93 GHz | 35 W |
Core 2 Duo T9900 | Penryn (45 nm) | 3.06 GHz | 35 W |
Core 2 Extreme X9000 | Penryn (45 nm) | 2.8 GHz | 44 W |
Core 2 Extreme X9100 | Penryn (45 nm) | 3.06 GHz | 44 W |
Core 2 Quad Q9000 | Penryn QC (45 nm) | 2 GHz | 45 W |
Core 2 Quad Q9100 | Penryn QC (45 nm) | 2.26 GHz | 45 W |
Core 2 Extreme QX9300 | Penryn QC XE (45 nm) | 2.53 GHz | 45 W |
Core I3 sarja kannettaville tietokoneille |
Malli | Ydin | Suurin kellotaajuus | Suorittimen tehohäviö |
Core i3-330UM | Arrandale (32 nm) | 1.20 GHz | 18 W |
Core i3-380UM | Arrandale (32 nm) | 1.33 GHz | 18 W |
Core i3-330M | Arrandale (32 nm) | 2.13 GHz | 35 W |
Core i3-330E | Arrandale (32 nm) | 2.13 GHz | 35 W |
Core i3-350M | Arrandale (32 nm) | 2.26 GHz | 35 W |
Core i3-370M | Arrandale (32 nm) | 2.40 GHz | 35 W |
Core i3-380M | Arrandale (32 nm) | 2.53 GHz | 35 W |
Core i3-2357M | Sandy Bridge (32 nm) | 1.3 GHz | 17 W |
Core i3-2367M | Sandy Bridge (32 nm) | 1.4 GHz | 17 W |
Core i3-2310M | Sandy Bridge (32 nm) | 2.1 GHz | 35 W |
Core i3-2330M | Sandy Bridge (32 nm) | 2.2 GHz | 35 W |
Core i3-2350M | Sandy Bridge (32 nm) | 2.3 GHz | 35 W |
Core i3-2370M | Sandy Bridge (32 nm) | 2.4 GHz | 35 W |
Core i3-3217U | Ivy Bridge (22 nm) | 1.8 GHz | 17 W |
Core i3-3110M | Ivy Bridge (22 nm) | 2.4 GHz | 35 W |
Core i3-4000M | Haswell (22 nm) | 2.4 GHz | 37 W |
Core i3-4005U | Haswell (22 nm) | 1.7 GHz | 15 W |
Core i3-4010U | Haswell (22 nm) | 1.7 GHz | 15 W |
Core i3-4100U | Haswell (22 nm) | 1.8 GHz | 15 W |
Core i3-4010Y | Haswell (22 nm) | 1.3 GHz | 11.5 W |
Core i3-4158U | Haswell (22 nm) | 2.0 GHz | 28 W |
Core i3-4100M | Haswell (22 nm) | 2.5 GHz | 37 W |
Core i3-4012Y | Haswell (22 nm) | 1.5 GHz | 11.5 W |
Core i3-4020Y | Haswell (22 nm) | 1.5 GHz | 11.5 W |
Core i5 sarja kannettaville tietokoneille |
Suoritin | Suoritinydin | Kellotaajuus | Suorittimen tehohäviö |
Core i5-3317UM | Ivy Bridge (22 nm) | 1.70 GHz [Turbo 2.60 GHz] | 17 W |
Core i5-3427UM | Ivy Bridge (22 nm) | 1.80 GHz [Turbo 2.80 GHz] | 17 W |
Core i5-430UM | Arrandale (32 nm) | 1.20 GHz | 18 W |
Core i5-470UM | Arrandale (32 nm) | 1.33 GHz | 18 W |
Core i5-520UM | Arrandale (32 nm) | 1.06 GHz | 18 W |
Core i5-540UM | Arrandale (32 nm) | 1.20 GHz | 18 W |
Core i5-560UM | Arrandale (32 nm) | 1.33 GHz | 18 W |
Core i5-430M | Arrandale (32 nm) | 2.26 GHz | 35 W |
Core i5-450M | Arrandale (32 nm) | 2.40 GHz | 35 W |
Core i5-460M | Arrandale (32 nm) | 2.53 GHz | 35 W |
Core i5-520M | Arrandale (32 nm) | 2.40 GHz | 35 W |
Core i5-520E | Arrandale (32 nm) | 2.40 GHz | 35 W |
Core i5-540M | Arrandale (32 nm) | 2.53 GHz | 35 W |
Core i5-560M | Arrandale (32 nm) | 2.66 GHz | 35 W |
Core i5-580M | Arrandale (32 nm) | 2.66 GHz | 35 W |
Core i5-2430M | Sandy Bridge (32 nm) | 2.40 GHz [Turbo 3 GHz] | 35 W |
Core i5-2450M | Sandy Bridge (32 nm) | 2.50 GHz [Turbo 3.1 GHz] | 35 W |
Core i5-3230M | Ivy Bridge (22 nm) | 2.60 GHz [Turbo 3.20 GHz] | 35 W |
Core i5-3360M | Ivy Bridge (22 nm) | 2.80 GHz [Turbo 3.50 GHz] | 35 W |
Core i5-4200H | Haswell (22 nm) | 2.80 GHz [Turbo 3.40 GHz] | 47 W |
Core i5-4250U | Haswell (22 nm) | 1.30 GHz [Turbo 2.60 GHz] | 15 W |
Core i5-4350U | Haswell (22 nm) | 1.40 GHz [Turbo 2.90 GHz] | 15 W |
Core i5-4200U | Haswell (22 nm) | 1.60 GHz [Turbo 2.60 GHz] | 15 W |
Core i5-4200Y | Haswell (22 nm) | 1.40 GHz [Turbo 1.90 GHz] | 11.5 W |
Core i5-4258U | Haswell (22 nm) | 2.40 GHz [Turbo 2.90 GHz] | 28 W |
Core i5-4288U | Haswell (22 nm) | 2.60 GHz [Turbo 3.10 GHz] | 28 W |
Core i5-4300U | Haswell (22 nm) | 1.90 GHz [Turbo 2.90 GHz] | 15 W |
Core i5-4300M | Haswell (22 nm) | 2.60 GHz [Turbo 3.30 GHz] | 37 W |
Core i5-4200M | Haswell (22 nm) | 2.50 GHz [Turbo 3.10 GHz] | 37 W |
Core i5-4202Y | Haswell (22 nm) | 1.60 GHz [Turbo 2.00 GHz] | 11.5 W |
Core i5-4210Y | Haswell (22 nm) | 1.50 GHz [Turbo 1.90 GHz] | 11.5 W |
Core i5-4300Y | Haswell (22 nm) | 1.60 GHz [Turbo 2.30 GHz] | 11.5 W |
Core i5-4302Y | Haswell (22 nm) | 1.60 GHz [Turbo 2.30 GHz] | 11.5 W |
Core i5-4330M | Haswell (22 nm) | 2.80 GHz [Turbo 3.50 GHz] | 37 W |
Core I7 sarja kannettaville tietokoneille |
Mallinimi | Ydin | Kellotaajuus | Suorittimen tehohäviö |
Core i7-3517U | Ivy Bridge (22 nm) | 1.90 GHz [Turbo 3.00 GHz] | 17 W |
Core i7-3667U | Ivy Bridge (22 nm) | 2.00 GHz [Turbo 3.20 GHz] | 17 W |
Core i7-620UM | Arrandale (32 nm) | 1.06 GHz | 18 W |
Core i7-620UE | Arrandale (32 nm) | 1.06 GHz | 18 W |
Core i7-640UM | Arrandale (32 nm) | 1.20 GHz | 18 W |
Core i7-660UM | Arrandale (32 nm) | 1.33 GHz | 18 W |
Core i7-660UE | Arrandale (32 nm) | 1.33 GHz | 18 W |
Core i7-680UM | Arrandale (32 nm) | 1.46 GHz | 18 W |
Core i7-620LM | Arrandale (32 nm) | 2.00 GHz | 25 W |
Core i7-620LE | Arrandale (32 nm) | 2.00 GHz | 25 W |
Core i7-640LM | Arrandale (32 nm) | 2.13 GHz | 25 W |
Core i7-660LM | Arrandale (32 nm) | 2.26 GHz | 25 W |
Core i7-610E | Arrandale (32 nm) | 2.53 GHz | 35 W |
Core i7-620M | Arrandale (32 nm) | 2.66 GHz | 35 W |
Core i7-640M | Arrandale (32 nm) | 2.80 GHz | 35 W |
Core i7-720QM | Clarksfield (45 nm) | 1.6 GHz | 45 W |
Core i7-740QM | Clarksfield (45 nm) | 1.73 GHz | 45 W |
Core i7-820QM | Clarksfield (45 nm) | 1.73 GHz | 45 W |
Core i7-840QM | Clarksfield (45 nm) | 1.86 GHz | 45 W |
Core i7-920XM | Clarksfield (45 nm) | 2 GHz | 55 W |
Core i7-940XM | Clarksfield (45 nm) | 2.13 GHz | 55 W |
Core i7-4550U | Haswell (22 nm) | 1.50 GHz [Turbo 3.00 GHz] | 15 W |
Core i7-4650U | Haswell (22 nm) | 1.70 GHz [Turbo 3.30 GHz] | 15 W |
Core i7-4700HQ | Haswell (22 nm) | 2.40 GHz [Turbo 3.40 GHz] | 47 W |
Core i7-4700MQ | Haswell (22 nm) | 2.40 GHz [Turbo 3.40 GHz] | 47 W |
Core i7-4702HQ | Haswell (22 nm) | 2.20 GHz [Turbo 3.20 GHz] | 37 W |
Core i7-4702MQ | Haswell (22 nm) | 2.20 GHz [Turbo 3.20 GHz] | 37 W |
Core i7-4800MQ | Haswell (22 nm) | 2.70 GHz [Turbo 3.70 GHz] | 47 W |
Core i7-4900MQ | Haswell (22 nm) | 2.80 GHz [Turbo 3.80 GHz] | 47 W |
Core i7-4930MX | Haswell (22 nm) | 3.00 GHz [Turbo 3.90 GHz] | 57 W |
Core i7-4500U | Haswell (22 nm) | 1.80 GHz [Turbo 3.00 GHz] | 15 W |
Core i7-4558U | Haswell (22 nm) | 2.80 GHz [Turbo 3.30 GHz] | 28 W |
Core i7-4600M | Haswell (22 nm) | 2.90 GHz [Turbo 3.60 GHz] | 37 W |
Core i7-4600U | Haswell (22 nm) | 2.10 GHz [Turbo 3.30 GHz] | 15 W |
Core i7-4610Y | Haswell (22 nm) | 1.70 GHz [Turbo 2.90 GHz] | 11.5 W |
Intel Mobile Celeron/Celeron M |
Malli | Ydin | Suurin kellotaajuus (MHz) | Valmistajan ilmoittama lämpöteho |
Mobile Celeron | Northwood | 1800 | 30 W |
Mobile Celeron | Northwood | 2000 | 32 W |
Mobile Celeron | Northwood | 2500 | 35 W |
Celeron M | Banias | 1500 | 24.5 W |
Celeron M ULV | Banias | 900 | 7 W |
Celeron M | Dothan-1024 | 1600 | 21 W |
Celeron M | Dothan-1024 | 1700 | 27 W |
Celeron M ULV | Dothan-1024 | 1000 | 5 W |
Celeron M | Dothan-512 | 1200 | 21 W |
Celeron M ULV | Dothan-512 | 1000 | 5 W |
Celeron M | Yonah-512 | 1333 | 27 W |
Celeron M | Yonah-1024 | 2000 | 27 W |
Celeron M ULV | Yonah-1024 | 1200 | 5.5 W |
Celeron M | Merom-1024 | 1699 | 26 W |
Celeron M | Merom-1024 | 2133 | 30 W |
Celeron M ULV | Merom-1024 | 933 | 5 W |
Celeron Dual-Core | Merom-512 | 1866 | 35 W |
Palvelinprosessorit |
Pentium Pro |
Vuonna 1995 julkaistut Pentium Pro suorittimet olivat Intelin ensimmäinen palvelinkäyttöön suunnitellut suoritimet jotka käyttivät P6 mikroarkkitehtuuria. Suorittimet käyttivät kahden ontelonkenen mukaan? ratkaisua jossa toisessa onkalossa sijaitsi suoritinydin, ja toisella L2 välimuisti.
Malli | Valmistusprosessi | Kellotaajuus | Tehohäviö W | (W/GHz) |
Pentium Pro 150 | 600 nm | 150 MHz | 29.2 W | 194.67 |
Pentium Pro 166 | 600 nm | 166 MHz | 35 W | 210.84 |
Pentium Pro 180 | 600 nm | 180 MHz | 31.7 W | 176.11 |
Pentium Pro 200 (256 KB L2 Cache) | 600 nm | 200 MHz | 35 W | 175 |
Pentium Pro 200 (512 KB L2 Cache) | 600 nm | 200 MHz | 37.9 W | 189.5 |
Pentium Pro 150 | 350 nm | 150 MHz | 29.2 W | 194.67 |
Pentium Pro 166 | 350 nm | 166 MHz | 35 W | 210.84 |
Pentium Pro 180 | 350 nm | 180 MHz | 31.7 W | 176.11 |
Pentium Pro 200 (256 KB L2 Cache) | 350 nm | 200 MHz | 35 W | 175 |
Pentium Pro 200 (512 KB L2 Cache) | 350 nm | 200 MHz | 37.9 W | 189.5 |
Pentium Pro 200 (1 MB L2 Cache) | 350 nm | 200 MHz | 47 W | 235 |
Yksiytimiset Xeonit |
Kellotaajuus (GHz) | L2 Välimuisti (KB) | L3 Välimuisti (MB) | Keskimääräinen energiankulutus (W) | Suurin energiankulutus (W) | Minimum TCASE (°C) | Maximum TCASE (°C) |
2,00 | 512 | 58 | 66 | 5 | 70 | |
2,40 | 512 | 65 | 75 | 5 | 74 | |
2,66 | 512 | 72 | 83 | 5 | 74 | |
2,80 | 512 | 74 | 86 | 5 | 75 | |
3,06 | 512 | 85 | 101 | 5 | 73 | |
2,40 | 512 | 77 | 86 | 5 | 72 | |
2,66 | 512 | 77 | 86 | 5 | 72 | |
2,80 | 512 | 77 | 86 | 5 | 72 | |
3,06 | 512 | 1 | 87 | 102 | 5 | 70 |
3,20 | 512 | 1 | 92 | 110 | 5 | 71 |
3,20 | 512 | 2 | 92 | 110 | 5 | 71 |
Dual Core Xeonit |
Malli | Kellotaajuus | Teho | FSB | L2 Välimuisti | L3 Välimuisti |
3040 | 1,86 GHz | 65 W | 1066 MHz | 2MB | |
3050 | 2,13 GHz | 65 W | 1066 MHz | 2MB | |
3060 | 2,40 GHz | 65 W | 1066 MHz | 4MB | |
3070 | 2,66 GHz | 65 W | 1066 MHz | 4MB | |
5030 | 2,67 GHz | 95 W | 667 MHz | 2x2MB | |
5050 | 3,00 GHz | 95 W | 667 MHz | 2x2MB | |
5060 | 3,20 GHz | 95 W | 1066 MHz | 2x2MB | |
5063 | 3,20 GHz | 95 W | 1066 MHz | 2x2MB | |
5080 | 3,73 GHz | 130 W | 1066 MHz | 2x2MB | |
5110 | 1,60 GHz | 65 W | 1066 MHz | 4MB | |
5120 | 1,86 GHz | 65 W | 1066 MHz | 4MB | |
5130 | 2,00 GHz | 65 W | 1333 MHz | 4MB | |
5140 | 2,33 GHz | 65 W | 1333 MHz | 4MB | |
5150 | 2,66 GHz | 65 W | 1333 MHz | 4MB | |
5160 | 3,00 GHz | 80 W | 1333 MHz | 4MB | |
7120M | 3,00 GHz | 95 W | 800 MHz | 2x1MB | 4MB |
7120N | 3,00 GHz | 95 W | 667 FSB | 2x1MB | 4MB |
7130M | 3,20 GHz | 150 W | 800 MHz | 2x1MB | 8MB |
7130N | 3,16 GHz | 150 W | 667 MHz | 2x1MB | 8MB |
7140M | 3,40 GHz | 150 W | 800 MHz | 2x1MB | 16MB |
7140N | 3,33 GHz | 150 W | 667 MHz | 2x1MB | 16MB |
7150N | 3,50 GHz | 150 W | 667 MHz | 2x1MB | 16MB |
Kuusiytimelliset Xeon suorittimet. Perustuvat Core arkkitehtuuriin |
Malli | Kellotaajuus (GHz) | Teho (W) | FSB (MHz) | L2 Välimuisti (MB) |
Xeon E7450 | Dunnington (45 nm) | 2.4 GHz | 90 W | 37.5 |
Xeon E7458 | Dunnington (45 nm) | 2.4 GHz | 90 W | 37.5 |
Xeon E7460 | Dunnington (45 nm) | 2.66 GHz | 130 W | 48.87 |
Xeon L7455 | Dunnington (45 nm) | 2.13 GHz | 65 W | 30.52 |
Intel Itanium |
Malli | Ydin | Kellotaajuus | Suorittimen tehohäviö | Tehohäviö suhteutettuna kellotaajuuteen (W/GHz) |
Itanium 733 | Merced (180 nm) | 733 MHz | 116 W | 158.25 |
Itanium 733 | Merced (180 nm) | 733 MHz | 130 W | 177.35 |
Itanium 800 | Merced (180 nm) | 800 MHz | 116 W | 145 |
Itanium 800 | Merced (180 nm) | 800 MHz | 130 W | 162.5 |
Intel Itanium 2 |
Malli | Ydin | Kellotaajuus | Suorittimen tehohäviö | Tehohäviö suhteutettuna kellotaajuuteen (W/GHz) |
Itanium 2 900 | McKinley (180 nm) | 900 MHz | 130 W | 144.44 |
Itanium 2 900 | McKinley (180 nm) | 900 MHz | 130 W | 144.44 |
Itanium 2 1000 | McKinley (180 nm) | 1 GHz | 130 W | 130 |
Itanium 2 1000 | McKinley (180 nm) | 1 GHz | 130 W | 130 |
Itanium 2 1400 | Madison (130 nm) | 1.4 GHz | 130 W | 92.86 |
Itanium 2 1300 | Madison (130 nm) | 1.3 GHz | 130 W | 100 |
Itanium 2 1400 | Madison (130 nm) | 1.4 GHz | 130 W | 93.86 |
Itanium 2 1400 | Madison (130 nm) | 1.4 GHz | 130 W | 92.86 |
Itanium 2 1500 | Madison (130 nm) | 1.5 GHz | 130 W | 86.67 |
Itanium 2 1600 | Madison (130 nm) | 1.6 GHz | 130 W | 81.25 |
Itanium 2 1666 | Madison (130 nm) | 1.66 GHz | 130 W | 78.31 |
Itanium 2 1600 | Madison-9M (130 nm) | 1.6 GHz | 130 W | 81.25 |
Itanium 2 1666 | Madison-9M (130 nm) | 1.66 GHz | 130 W | 78.31 |
Itanium 2 1000 | Deerfield (130 nm) | 1 GHz | 62 W | 62 |
Itanium 2 1300 | Fanwood (130 nm) | 1.3 GHz | ??? W | ???.?? |
Itanium 2 1600 | Fanwood (130 nm) | 1.6 GHz | ??? W | ???.?? |
Itanium 2 1600 | Fanwood (130 nm) | 1.6 GHz | ??? W | ???.?? |
Itanium 2 MX2 | Hondo MCM (130 nm) | 1.1 GHz | 260 W | 236.36 |
Itanium 2 9010 | Montecito (90 nm) | 1.6 GHz | 75 W | 46.88 |
Itanium 2 9015 | Montecito (90 nm) | 1.4 GHz | 104 W | 74.29 |
Itanium 2 9020 | Montecito (90 nm) | 1.42 GHz | 104 W | 73.24 |
Itanium 2 9030 | Montecito (90 nm) | 1.6 GHz | 104 W | 65 |
Itanium 2 9040 | Montecito (90 nm) | 1.6 GHz | 104 W | 65 |
Itanium 2 9050 | Montecito (90 nm) | 1.6 GHz | 104 W | 65 |
Itanium 2 9110N | Montevale (90 nm) | 1.6 GHz | 75 W | 46.88 |
Itanium 2 9120N | Montevale (90 nm) | 1.42 GHz | 104 W | 73.24 |
Itanium 2 9130M | Montevale (90 nm) | 1.66 GHz | 104 W | 62.65 |
Itanium 2 9140N | Montevale (90 nm) | 1.6 GHz | 104 W | 65 |
Itanium 2 9140M | Montevale (90 nm) | 1.66 GHz | 104 W | 62.65 |
Itanium 2 9150N | Montevale (90 nm) | 1.6 GHz | 104 W | 65 |
Itanium 2 9150M | Montevale (90 nm) | 1.66 GHz | 104 W | 62.65 |
Itanium 2 9152M | Montevale (90 nm) | 1.66 GHz | 104 W | 62.65 |
Intel Itanium 2 |
Malli | Kellotaajuus | Teho |
1,66 GHz | 122 W | |
1,6 GHz | 122 W | |
1,5 GHz | 107 W | |
1,4 GHz | 91 W | |
1,3 GHz | 97 W | |
1,0 GHz | 100 W |
AMD:n prosessorit |
K5 |
Vuonna 1996 julkaistu K5 oli ensimmäinen AMD:n täysin itse suunnittelema suoritin.
Malli | Valmistusprosessi | Kellotaajuus | Tehohäviö | Tehohäviö suhteutettuna kellotaajuuteen (W/GHz) |
K5 75 | 350 nm | 75 MHz | ??.?? W | ??.?? |
K5 90 | 350 nm | 90 MHz | ??.?? W | ??.?? |
K5 PR75 | 350 nm | 75 MHz | 11.8 W | 157.33 |
K5 PR90 | 350 nm | 90 MHz | 14.3 W | 158.89 |
K5 PR100 | 350 nm | 100 MHz | 15.8 W | 158 |
K5 PR120 | 350 nm | 90 MHz | 12.6 W | 140 |
K5 PR133 | 350 nm | 100 MHz | 14 W | 140 |
K5 PR150 | 350 nm | 116.7 MHz | ??.?? W | ??.?? |
K5 PR166 | 350 nm | 116.7 MHz | 16.4 W | 140.53 |
K5 PR200 | 350 nm | 133 MHz | ??.?? W | ??.?? |
AMD Athlon Argon |
Malli | Suoritinydin | Kellotaajuus | Tehohäviö | TDP suhteutettuna kellotaajuuteen. (W/GHz) |
Athlon 500 | Argon (250 nm) | 500 MHz | 42 W | 84 |
Athlon 550 | Argon (250 nm) | 550 MHz | 46 W | 83.64 |
Athlon 600 | Argon (250 nm) | 600 MHz | 50 W | 83.33 |
Athlon 650 | Argon (250 nm) | 650 MHz | 54 W | 83.08 |
Athlon 700 | Argon (250 nm) | 700 MHz | 50 W | 71.43 |
Athlon 550 | Argon (250 nm) | 550 MHz | 46 W | 83.64 |
Athlon 600 | Argon (250 nm) | 600 MHz | 50 W | 83.33 |
AMD Athlon Pluto + Orion |
Malli | Suoritinydin | Kellotaajuus | Tehohäviö | |
Athlon 550 | Pluto (180 nm) | 550 MHz | 31 W | 56.36 |
Athlon 600 | Pluto (180 nm) | 600 MHz | 34 W | 56.67 |
Athlon 650 | Pluto (180 nm) | 650 MHz | 36 W | 55.38 |
Athlon 700 | Pluto (180 nm) | 700 MHz | 39 W | 55.71 |
Athlon 750 | Pluto (180 nm) | 750 MHz | 40 W | 53.33 |
Athlon 800 | Pluto (180 nm) | 800 MHz | 48 W | 60 |
Athlon 850 | Pluto (180 nm) | 850 MHz | 50 W | 58.82 |
Athlon 900 | Orion (180 nm) | 900 MHz | 60 W | 66.67 |
Athlon 950 | Orion (180 nm) | 950 MHz | 62 W | 65.26 |
Athlon 900 | Orion (180 nm) | 900 MHz | 60 W | 66.67 |
Athlon 1000 | Orion (180 nm) | 1 GHz | 62 W | 62 |
AMD Athlon Thunderbird |
Malli | Kellotaajuus | Teho | |
Athlon 600 | 600 MHz | ??.? W | ??.?? |
Athlon 650 (Slot A) | 650 MHz | 36.1 W | 55.54 |
Athlon 650 (Socket A) | 650 MHz | 36.1 W | 55.54 |
Athlon 700 (Slot A) | 700 MHz | 38.3 W | 54.71 |
Athlon 700 (Socket A) | 700 MHz | 38.3 W | 54.71 |
Athlon 750 (Slot A) | 750 MHz | 40.4 W | 53.87 |
Athlon 750 (Socket A) | 750 MHz | 40.4 W | 53.87 |
Athlon 800 (Slot A) | 800 MHz | 42.6 W | 53.25 |
Athlon 800 (Socket A) | 800 MHz | 42.6 W | 53.25 |
Athlon 850 (Slot A) | 850 MHz | 44.8 W | 52.71 |
Athlon 850 (Socket A) | 850 MHz | 44.8 W | 52.71 |
Athlon 900 (Slot A) | 900 MHz | 49.7 W | 55.22 |
Athlon 900 (Socket A) | 900 MHz | 49.7 W | 55.22 |
Athlon 950 (Slot A) | 950 MHz | 52 W | 54.74 |
Athlon 950 (Socket A) | 950 MHz | 52 W | 54.74 |
Athlon 1000 (Slot A) | 1 GHz | 54.3 W | 54.3 |
Athlon 1000 (Socket A) | 1 GHz | 54 W | 54 |
Athlon 1000B | 1.2 GHz | 54.3 W | 54.75 |
Athlon 1000C | 1 GHz | 55.1 W | 55.1 |
Athlon 1100B | 1.1 GHz | 60.3 W | 54.82 |
Athlon 1133C | 1.13 GHz | 62.1 W | 54.96 |
Athlon 1200B | 1.2 GHz | 65.7 W | 54.75 |
Athlon 1200C | 1.2 GHz | 65.7 W | 54.75 |
Athlon 1266C | 1.26 GHz | 66.9 W | 53.1 |
Athlon 1300B | 1.3 GHz | 68.3 W | 52.54 |
Athlon 1333C | 1.33 GHz | 69.8 W | 52.48 |
Athlon 1400B | 1.4 GHz | 72.1 W | 51.5 |
Athlon 1400C | 1.4 GHz | 72.1 W | 51.5 |
AMD Athlon XP |
Malli | Suoritinydin | Kellotaajuus | Teho | |
Athlon XP 1500+ | Palomino (180 nm) | 1.33 GHz | 60 W | 45.11 |
Athlon XP 1600+ | Palomino (180 nm) | 1.4 GHz | 62.8 W | 44.86 |
Athlon XP 1700+ | Palomino (180 nm) | 1.46 GHz | 64 W | 43.84 |
Athlon XP 1800+ | Palomino (180 nm) | 1.53 GHz | 66 W | 43.14 |
Athlon XP 1900+ | Palomino (180 nm) | 1.6 GHz | 68 W | 42.5 |
Athlon XP 2000+ | Palomino (180 nm) | 1.66 GHz | 70 W | 42.17 |
Athlon XP 2100+ | Palomino (180 nm) | 1.73 GHz | 72 W | 41.62 |
Athlon XP 1600+ | Thoroughbred (130 nm) | 1.4 GHz | 48.5 W | 34.64 |
Athlon XP 1700+ | Thoroughbred (130 nm) | 1.46 GHz | 49.4 W | 33.84 |
Athlon XP 1800+ | Thoroughbred (130 nm) | 1.53 GHz | 51 W | 33.33 |
Athlon XP 1900+ | Thoroughbred (130 nm) | 1.6 GHz | 52.5 W | 32.81 |
Athlon XP 2000+ | Thoroughbred (130 nm) | 1.66 GHz | 60.3 W | 36.33 |
Athlon XP 2100+ | Thoroughbred (130 nm) | 1.73 GHz | 62.1 W | 35.9 |
Athlon XP 2200+ | Thoroughbred (130 nm) | 1.8 GHz | 67.9 W tai 62.8 W | 37.72 (67.9 W), 34.89 (62.8 W) |
Athlon XP 2400+ | Thoroughbred (130 nm) | 2.0 GHz | 68.3 W | 32.84 |
Athlon XP 2600+ | Thoroughbred (130 nm) | 2.13 GHz | 68.3 W | 32.07 |
Athlon XP 2600+ | Thoroughbred (130 nm) | 2.08 GHz | 68.3 W | 32.07 |
Athlon XP 2700+ | Thoroughbred (130 nm) | 2.16 GHz | 68.3 W | 31.62 |
Athlon XP 2800+ | Barton (130 nm) | 2.083 GHz | ??.? W | ??.?? |
Athlon XP 2000+ | Thorton (130 nm) | 1.66 GHz | 60.3 W | 36.33 |
Athlon XP 2200+ | Thorton (130 nm) | 1.8 GHz | 62.8 W | 34.89 |
Athlon XP 3100+ | Thorton (130 nm) | 2.2 GHz | ??.? W | ??.?? |
Athlon XP 2500+ | Barton (130 nm) | 1.83 GHz | 68.3 W | 37.32 |
Athlon XP 2600+ | Barton (130 nm) | 1.91 GHz | 68.3 W | 35.76 |
Athlon XP 2700+ | Barton (130 nm) | 2 GHz | 68.3 W | 31.62 |
Athlon XP 2900+ | Barton (130 nm) | 2 GHz | ??.? W | ??.?? |
Athlon XP 3000+ | Barton (130 nm) | 2.16 GHz | 74.3 W | 34.4 |
Athlon XP 3200+ | Barton (130 nm) | 2.2 GHz | 76.8 W | 34.91 |
Athlon XP 3200+ | Barton (130 nm) | 2.33 GHz | ??.? W | ??.? |
AMD Athlon 64 |
Malli | L2 välimuisti | Käyttöjännite (V) | Virrankulutus (W) | Valmistusprosessi (Nanometreissä | Kellotaajuus suhteutettuna tehohäviöön (MHz/W) |
Clawhammer Athlon 64 "Kaikki mallit" (C0 & CG) (Socket 754 & 939) | 512 KB tai 1 MB | 1.50 | 89 | 130 | |
Newcastle Athlon 64 "Kaikki mallit" (CG) (Socket 754 & 939) | 256 KB tai 512 KB | 1.50 | 89 | 130 | |
Winchester Athlon 64 "Kaikki 3 mallia" (D0) - (Socket 939) (3000+, 3200+ ja 3500+) | 512 KB | 1.40 | 67 | 90 | |
Newcastle Athlon 64 2800+ (Socket 754 - 1.8 GHz) | 512 KB | 1.50 | 89 | 130 | 20.2 |
Venice Athlon 64 3200+ (Socket 939 - 2.0 GHz) | 512 KB | 1.35 - 1.40 | 67 | 90 | 29,9 |
Venice Athlon 64 3200+ (Socket 754 - 2.2 GHz) | 512 KB | 1.40 | 59 | 90 | 37.3 |
Clawhammer Athlon 64 3000+ (Socket 754 - 2.0 GHz) | 512 KB | 1.50 | 89 | 130 | 22.5 |
Clawhammer Athlon 64 3400+ (Socket 754 - 2.4 GHz) | 1 MB | 1.50 | 89 | 130 | |
Winchester Athlon 64 3500+ | 512 KB | 1.40 | 67 | 90 | |
Orleans Athlon 64 3500+ EE SFF | 512 KB | 1.20 - 1.25 | 35 | 90 | |
Lima Athlon 64 3500+ | 512 KB | 1.20 - 1.35 | 45 | 65 | |
Orleans Athlon 64 3800+ | 512 KB | 1.40 | 62 | 90 | |
Lima Athlon 64 3800+ | 512 KB | 1.25 - 1.40 | 45 | 65 | |
Orleans Athlon 64 4000+ | 512 KB | 1.25 - 1.40 | 62 | 90 | |
San Diego Athlon 64 4000+ | 1 MB | 1.35 | 89 | 90 | |
Orleans Athlon 64 LE-1600 (2.2 GHz) | 1 MB | 1.25 - 1.40 | 45 | 90 | 48.9 |
Orleans Athlon 64 LE-1620 (2.4 GHz) | 1 MB | 1.25 - 1.40 | 45 | 90 | 53.3 |
AMD Athlon 64 X2 / Athlon X2 |
AMD Athlon X2 (Socket 939)
Ydin | Prosessori | Malli | Kellotaajuus | L2 välimuisti | Käyttöjännite | Valmistajan ilmoittama teho |
E6 | Athlon 64 X2 | 4800+ | 2400 MHz | 2 MB | 1.30-1.40 V | 110 W |
Athlon 64 X2 | 4600+ | 2400 MHz | 1 MB | 1.30-1.40 V | 110 W | |
E6/E6 | Athlon 64 X2 | 4400+ | 2200 MHz | 2 MB | 1.30-1.40 V | 89 W/110 W |
Athlon 64 X2 | 4200+ | 2200 MHz | 1 MB | 1.30-1.40 V | 89 W | |
F2 | Athlon 64 X2 | 3800+ | 2000 MHz | 1 MB | 1.20-1.25 V | 65 W |
E4/E6 | Athlon 64 X2 | 3800+ | 2000 MHz | 1 MB | 1.30-1.40 V | 89 W/89 W |
G1 | Athlon 64 X2 | 3600+ | 1900 MHz | 1 MB | 1.25V-1.35 V | 65 W |
AMD Athlon X2 (Socket AM2)
Ydin | Prosessori | Malli | Kellotaajuus | L2 välimuisti | Käyttöjännite | Valmistajan ilmoittama teho |
Windsor | Athlon 64 X2 | 3600+ | 2000 MHz | 512 KB | 1.25 V | 89 W |
Brisbane | Athlon 64 X2 | 3600+ EE | 1900 MHz | 1 MB | 1.30 V | 65 W |
Windsor F2 | Athlon 64 X2 | 3800+ | 2000 MHz | 1 MB | 1.30 - 1.35 V | 89 W |
Windsor F2 | Athlon 64 X2 | 3800+ EE | 2000 MHz | 1 MB | 1.20 - 1.25 V | 65 W |
Windsor F2 | Athlon 64 X2 | 3800+ EE SFF | 2000 MHz | 1 MB | 1.025 - 1.075 V | 35 W |
Windsor F2 | Athlon 64 X2 | 4000+ | 2000 MHz | 2 MB | 1.30 - 1.35 V | 89 W |
Windsor F2 | Athlon 64 X2 | 4000+ | 2000 MHz | 2 MB | 1.20 - 1.25 V | 65 W |
Brisbane G1 | Athlon 64 X2 | 4000+ | 2100 MHz | 1 MB | 1.25 - 1.35 V | 65 W |
Brisbane G2 | Athlon 64 X2 | 4050e | 2100 MHz | 1 MB | 1.15/1.20/1.25 V | 45 W |
Brisbane G1 | Athlon 64 X2 | 4200+ EE | 2200 MHz | 1 MB | 1.25/1.30/1.325 V | 65 W |
Windsor | Athlon 64 X2 | 4200+ EE | 2200 MHz | 1 MB | 1.20 - 1.25 V | 65 W |
Windsor | Athlon 64 X2 | 4200+ | 2200 MHz | 1 MB | 1.30 - 1.35 V | 89 W |
Brisbane G1 | Athlon 64 X2 | 4400+ | 2300 MHz | 1 MB | 1.25/1.35 V | 65 W |
Brisbane G2 | Athlon 64 X2 | 4400+ | 2300 MHz | 1 MB | 1.325/1.35/1.375 V | 65 W |
Windsor F2 | Athlon 64 X2 | 4400+ | 2200 MHz | 2 MB | 1.20V/1.25 V | 65 W |
Windsor F2 | Athlon 64 X2 | 4400+ | 2200 MHz | 2 MB | 1.30V/1.35 V | 89 W |
Brisbane G2 | Athlon 64 X2 | 4450e | 2300 MHz | 1 MB | 1.15/1.20/1.25 V | 45 W |
Brisbane G2 | Athlon 64 X2 | 4600+ EE | 2400 MHz | 1 MB | 1.325/1.35/1.375 V | 65 W |
Windsor | Athlon 64 X2 | 4600+ EE | 2400 MHz | 1 MB | 1.20 - 1.25 V | 65 W |
Windsor | Athlon 64 X2 | 4600+ | 2400 MHz | 1 MB | 1.30 - 1.35 V | 89 W |
Windsor F2 | Athlon 64 X2 | 4800+ | 2400 MHz | 2 MB | 1.20 - 1.25 V | 65 W |
Windsor F2 | Athlon 64 X2 | 4800+ | 2400 MHz | 2 MB | 1.30 - 1.35 V | 89 W |
Brisbane G1 | Athlon 64 X2 | 4800+ | 2500 MHz | 1 MB | 1.25V - 1.35 V | 65 W |
Brisbane G2 | Athlon 64 X2 | 4800+ | 2500 MHz | 1 MB | 1.325 - 1.375V | 65 W |
Brisbane G2 | Athlon 64 X2 | 4850e | 2500 MHz | 1 MB | 1.15/1.20/1.25 V | 45 W |
Brisbane | Athlon 64 X2 | 5000+ | 2600 MHz | 1 MB | 1.25 - 1.35 V | 65 W |
Brisbane | Athlon 64 X2 | 5000+ Black Edition | 2600 MHz | 1 MB | 1.25 - 1.35 V | 65 W |
Windsor | Athlon 64 X2 | 5000+ EE | 1 MB | 1.20 - 1.25 V | 65 W | |
Windsor | Athlon 64 X2 | 5000+ | 1 MB | 1.30 - 1.35 V | 89 W | |
Brisbane G2 | Athlon 64 X2 | 5200+ | 2700 MHz | 1 MB | 1.325/1.35/1.375 V | 65 W |
Windsor F3 | Athlon 64 X2 | 5200+ EE | 2600 MHz | 2 MB | 1.20 - 1.25 V | 65 W |
Windsor F2 | Athlon 64 X2 | 5200+ | 2600 MHz | 2 MB | 1.30 - 1.35 V | 89 W |
Windsor F3 | Athlon 64 X2 | 5400+ | 2800 MHz | 1 MB | 1.30 - 1.35 V | 89 W |
Brisbane G2 | Athlon 64 X2 | 5400+ | 2800 MHz | 1 MB | 1.325V - 1.375 V | 65 W |
Windsor F3 | Athlon 64 X2 | 5600+ | 2800 MHz | 2 MB | 1.30-1.35 V | 89W |
Brisbane G2 | Athlon 64 X2 | 5600+ | 2900 MHz | 1 MB | 1.30-1.35 V | 65 W |
Windsor F3 | Athlon 64 X2 | 6000+ | 3000 MHz | 2 MB | 1.35 - 1.40 V | 125 W |
Brisbane G2 | Athlon 64 X2 | 6000+ EE | 3100 MHz | 1 MB | 1.30 - 1.35 V | 89 W |
Windsor F3 | Athlon 64 X2 | 6400+ Black Edition | 3200 MHz | 2 MB | 1.35 - 1.40 V | 125 W |
AMD Athlon X2 . .
Ydin | Prosessori | Malli | Kellotajuus | L2 välimuisti | Käyttöjännite | Valmistajan ilmoittama teho | Muuta |
Brisbane G2 | Athlon X2 | BE-2400 | 2300 MHz | 2x512 KB | 1.25V | 45 W | Oct-2007 |
Brisbane G1 | Athlon X2 | BE-2350 | 2100 MHz | 2x512 KB | 1.25V | 45 W | June-2007 |
Brisbane G1 | Athlon X2 | BE-2300 | 1900 MHz | 2x512 KB | 1.25V | 45 W | June-2007 |
AMD Athlon 64 FX |
Malli | Kellotaajuus | Teho |
FX-51 1MB | 2200 MHz | 89 W |
FX-53 1MB | 2400 MHz | 89 W |
FX-55 1MB | 2600 MHz | 104 W |
FX-57 1MB | 2800 MHz | 104 W |
FX-60 2x1MB | 2600 MHz | 110 W |
FX-62 2x1MB | 2800 MHz | 125 W |
FX-70 2x1 MB | 2600 MHz | 125 W |
FX-72 2x1 MB | 2800 MHz | 125 W |
FX-74 2x1 MB | 3000 MHz | 125 W |
Athlon X2 (Perustuvat K10 arkkitehtuuriin) |
Malli | Suoritinydin | Kellotaajuus | Tehohäviö | Tehohäviö suhteutettuna kellotaajuuteen (W/GHz) |
Athlon X2 6500 | Kuma (65 nm) | 2.3 GHz | ?? W | ??.?? |
Athlon X2 7450 | Kuma (65 nm) | 2.4 GHz | 95 W | 39.58 |
Athlon X2 7550 | Kuma (65 nm) | 2.5 GHz | 95 W | 38 |
Athlon X2 7750 | Kuma (65 nm) | 2.7 GHz | 95 W | 35.19 |
Athlon X2 7750 Black Edition | Kuma (65 nm) | 2.7 GHz | 95 W | 35.19 |
Athlon X2 7850 | Kuma (65 nm) | 2.8 GHz | 95 W | 33.93 |
Athlon X2 5000+ | (45 nm) | 2.2 GHz | 65 W | 29.55 |
AMD Phenom (Phenom 64) |
- Phenom X2 / Phenom 6xxx-sarja - kaksiytimelliset
- Phenom X3 / Phenom 7xxx-sarja - kolmiytimelliset
- Phenom X3 / Phenom 8xxx-sarja - kolmiytimelliset
- Phenom X4 / Phenom 9xxx-sarja - neliytimiset
- Phenom X6 / Phenom 1xxx-sarja -kuusiytimiset
- Phenom FX / Phenom FX-xx - neliytimiset
Malli | Kellotaajuus (GHz) | L2 välimuisti | L3 välimuisti | HT liitännän kellotaajuus (GHz) | Käyttöjännite (V) | Valmistajan ilmoittama teho (W) | Process & Comments | |
X2 | 6??? x¹ | 2.3 | 3.4 HT3 | 45 | x¹ 2009 | |||
X2 | 6??? x¹ | 2.1 | 3.0 HT3 | 45 | x¹ 2009 | |||
X2 | 6??? x¹ | 1.9 | 2.8 HT3 | 45 | x¹ 2009 | |||
X2 | 6??? x¹ | 2.8 | 2x512K | 2MB | 4.2 HT3 | 65 | x¹ 2009 | |
X2 | 6??? x¹ | 2.6 | 2x512K | 2MB | 3.8 HT3 | 65 | x¹ 2009 | |
X2 | 6??? x¹ | 2.4 | 2x512K | 2MB | 3.6 HT3 | 65 | x¹ 2009 | |
X2 | 6??? x¹ | 2MB | DDR2 | x¹ 65 nm Kuma Q2/2008 | ||||
X3 | 7700 x¹ | 2.5 | 3x512K | 2MB | 89 | x¹ Q1-2008 | ||
X3 | 7600 x¹ | 2.3 | 3x512K | 2MB | 89 | x¹ Q1-2008 | ||
X3 | 8750 | 2.4 | 3x512K | 2MB | 1.05-1.25 | 95 | 65 nm B3 | |
X3 | 8700 x¹ | 2.4 | Kyllä | 95 | x¹ 65 nm Toliman Q1-2008 | |||
X3 | 8650 | 2.3 | 3x512K | 2MB | 1.05-1.25 | 95 | 65 nm B3 | |
X3 | 8600 x¹ | 2.3 | Kyllä | 95 | x¹ 65 nm Toliman Q1-2008 | |||
X3 | 8600B | 2.3 | 3x512K | 2MB | 1.05-1.25 | 95 | 65 nm B3 | |
X3 | 8600 | 2.3 | 3x512K | 2MB | 1.05-1.25 | 95 | 65 nm B2 | |
X3 | 8450 | 2.1 | 3x512K | 2MB | 1.05-1.25 | 95 | 65 nm B3 | |
X3 | 8400 | 2.1 | 3x512K | 2MB | 1.05-1.25 | 95 | 65 nm B2 | |
X4 | 9850 | 2.5 | 4x512KB | 2MB | 3.6 HT3 | 1.20-1.30 | 125 | 65 nm B3 |
X4 | 9750 | 2.4 | 4x512KB | 2MB | 3.6 HT3 | 1.20-1.30 | 125 | 65 nm B3 |
X4 | 9750 | 2.4 | 4x512KB | 2MB | 3.6 HT3 | 1.20-1.25 | 95 | 65 nm B3 (obsolete since Q2/2008) |
X4 | 9700 x¹ | 2.6 (or 2,4 ?) | 4x512KB | 2MB | 3.6 | 89 (?95) (?125) | x¹ 65 nm Agena Q1-2008 | |
X4 | 9650 | 2.3 | 4x512K | 1MB | 1.10-1.25 | 95 | 65 nm B3 Agena | |
X4 | 9600 Black Edition | 2.3 | 4x512KB | 2MB | 3.6 HT3 | 95 | 65 nm Agena | |
X4 | 9600B | 2.3 | 4x512K | 2MB | 1.10-1.25 | 95 | 65 nm B3 | |
X4 | 9600 | 2.3 | 4x512KB | 2MB | 3.6 HT3 | 1.1-1.25 | 95 | 65 nm B2 Agena |
X4 | 9550 | 2.2 | 4x512KB | 2MB | 3.6 HT3 | 1.10-1.25 | 95 | 65 nm B3 |
X4 | 9500 | 2.2 | 4x512KB | 2MB | ? HT3 | 1.10-1.25 | 95 | 65 nm B2 Agena |
X4 | 9100e | 1.8 | 4x512KB | 2MB | ? HT3 | 1.10-1.15 | 65 | 65 nm B2 |
X4 | 9150e | 1.8 | 4x512KB | 2MB | 1.0-1.125 | 65 | 65 nm B3 | |
X4 | 9350e | 2.0 | 4x512KB | 2MB | 1.0-1.125 | 65 | 65 nm B3 | |
X4 | 9950 | 2.6 | 4 x 512 KB | 2MB | 2.0 HT3 | 1.05-1.30 V | 140 | 65 nm B3 |
X6 | 1090T | 3.2 | 6 x 512 KB | 6MB | ? | 1.125-1.40V | 125 | 45nm SOI |
FX | FX-91 x¹ | 2.6 | 4x512KB | 2MB | 125 | x¹ Q1/2008 | ||
FX | FX-90 x¹ | 2.4 | 4x512KB | 2MB | 125 | x¹ | ||
FX | FX-82 x¹ | 2.6 | 4x512KB | 2MB | 125 | x¹ |
x¹ = Ennakkotieto.
AMD Sempron (myös Sempron 64) |
Malli | Kellotaajuus | L2 välimuisti | Käyttöjännite | Teho |
LE-1250 | 2200 MHz | 512 kB | 1.20 - 1.40 V | 45 W |
LE-1200 | 2100 MHz | 512 kB | 1.20 - 1.40 V | 45 W |
LE-1150 | 2000 MHz | 256 kB | 1.20 - 1.40 V | 45 W |
LE-1100 | 1900 MHz | 256 kB | 1.20 - 1.40 V | 45 W |
2100(dc) | 1800 MHz | 512 kB | 1.25/1.35/1.4 V | 65 W |
3800+ | 2200 MHz | 256 kB | 1.25/1.35/1.4 V | 62 W |
3600+ | 2000 MHz | 256 kB | 1.25/1.35/1.4 V | 62 W |
3500+ | 2000 MHz | 128 kB | 1.25/1.35/1.4 V | 62 W |
3500+ | 2000 MHz | 128 kB | 1.2/1.25 V | 35 W |
3400+ | 1800 MHz | 256 kB | 1.25/1.35 V // 1.35/1.4 V | 62 W |
3400+ | 1800 MHz | 256 kB | 1.2/1.25 V | 35 W |
3200+ | 1800 MHz | 128 kB | 1.25/1.35/1.4 V // 1.35/1.4 V | 62 W |
3200+ | 1800 MHz | 128 kB | 1.2/1.25 V | 35 W |
3000+ | 1600 MHz | 256 kB | 1.25/1.35/1.4 V | 62 W |
3000+ | 1600 MHz | 256 kB | 1.2/1.25 V | 35 W |
2800+ | 1600 MHz | 128 kB | 1.25/1.35/1.4 V | 62 W |
3400+ | 2000 MHz | 256 kB | 1.4 V | 62 W |
3300+ | 2000 MHz | 128 kB | 1.4 V | 62 W |
3100+ | 1800 MHz | 256 kB | 1.4 V | 62 W |
3000+ | 1800 MHz | 128 kB | 1.4 V | 62 W |
2800+ | 1600 MHz | 256 kB | 1.4 V | 62 W |
2500+ | 1400 MHz | 62 W |
AMD Sempron 64 |
Malli | Kellotaajuus | Teho |
2500+ (Socket 754) | 1400 MHz | 62 W |
AMD Turion 64 |
Malli | Kellotaajuus | Käyttöjännite | Teho | |
Turion 64 ML-28 | 1600 MHz | 1.35V | 35 W | |
Turion 64 ML-30 | 1600 MHz | 1.35V | 35 W | |
Turion 64 ML-32 | 1800 MHz | 1.35V | 35 W | |
Turion 64 ML-34 | 1800 MHz | 1.35V | 35 W | |
Turion 64 ML-37 | 2000 MHz | 1.35V | 35 W | |
Turion 64 ML-40 | 2200 MHz | 1.35V | 35 W | |
Turion 64 ML-42 | 2400 MHz | 1.35V | 35 W | |
Turion 64 ML-44 | 2400 MHz | 1.35V | 35 W | |
Turion 64 MK-36 | 2000 MHz | 1.15V | 31 W | |
Turion 64 MK-38 | 2200 MHz | 1.15V | 31 W | |
Turion 64 MT-28 | 1600 MHz | 1.20V | 25 W | 64.0 |
Turion 64 MT-30 | 1600 MHz | 1.20V | 25 W | 64.0 |
Turion 64 MT-32 | 1800 MHz | 1.20V | 25 W | 72.0 |
Turion 64 MT-34 | 1800 MHz | 1.20V | 25 W | 72.0 |
Turion 64 MT-37 | 2000 MHz | 1.20V | 25 W | 80.0 |
Turion 64 MT-40 | 2200 MHz | 1.20V | 25 W | 88.0 |
AMD Turion 64 X2 |
Malli | Kellotaajuus | Prosessorin välimuistit | HT | Kerroin1 | Käyttöjännite | Valmistajan ilmoittama teho | Tuotteen julkaisu-pvm |
Turion 64 X2 TL-52 | 1600 MHz | 2×512kB | 800 MHz | 8x | 0.8-1.125 V | 31W | 17. toukokuuta 2006 |
Turion 64 X2 TL-56 | 1800 MHz | 2×512kB | 800 MHz | 9x | 0.8-1.125 V | 33W | 17. toukokuuta 2006 |
Turion 64 X2 TL-60 | 2000 MHz | 2×512kB | 800 MHz | 10x | 0.8-1.125 V | 35W | 17. toukokuuta 2006 |
Turion 64 X2 TL-64 | 2200 MHz | 2×512kB | 800 MHz | 11x | 0.80-1.125 V | 35W | 30. tammikuuta 2007 |
Athlon 64 X2 TK-53 | 1700 MHz | 2×256kB | 800 MHz | 8.5x | 1.075/1.10/1.125 V | 31W | 20. elokuuta 2007 |
Athlon 64 X2 TK-55 | 1800 MHz | 2×256kB | 800 MHz | 9x | 1.075/1.10/1.125 V | 31W | 20. elokuuta 2007 |
Athlon 64 X2 TK-57 | 1900 MHz | 2×256kB | 800 MHz | 9.5x | 1.075/1.10/1.125 V | 31W | 20. elokuuta 2007 |
Turion 64 X2 TL-56 | 1800 MHz | 2×512kB | 800 MHz | 9x | 1.075/1.10/1.125 V | 31W | 7. toukokuuta 2007 |
Turion 64 X2 TL-58 | 1900 MHz | 2×512kB | 800 MHz | 9.5x | 1.075/1.10/1.125 V | 31W | 7. toukokuuta 2007 |
Turion 64 X2 TL-60 | 2000 MHz | 2×512kB | 800 MHz | 10x | 1.075/1.10/1.125 V | 31W | 7. toukokuuta 2007 |
Turion 64 X2 TL-62 | 2100 MHz | 2×512kB | 800 MHz | 10.5x | 1.075/1.10/1.125 V | 35W | 21. tammikuuta 2008 |
Turion 64 X2 TL-64 | 2200 MHz | 2×512kB | 800 MHz | 11x | 1.075/1.10/1.125 V | 35W | 7. toukokuuta 2007 |
Turion 64 X2 TL-66 | 2300 MHz | 2×512kB | 800 MHz | 11.5x | 1.075/1.10/1.125 V | 35W | 7. toukokuuta 2007 (10. heinäkuuta 2007) |
Turion 64 X2 TL-68 | 2400 MHz | 2×512kB | 800 MHz | 12x | 1.075/1.10/1.125 V | 35W | 19. joulukuuta 2007 |
VIA:n prosessorit |
VIA C3 |
Malli | Kellotaajuus | Teho |
Nehemiah | 1000 MHz | 11.25 W |
VIA Eden-N |
Malli | Kellotaajuus | Teho |
Eden-N | 533 MHz | 4 W |
Eden-N | 800 MHz | 6 W |
Eden-N | 1000 MHz | 7 W |
VIA C7 |
Malli | Kellotaajuus | Teho |
C7 Esther | 1500 MHz | 12 W |
C7 Esther | 2000 MHz | 20 W |
C7-D Esther | 1800 MHz | 20 W |
VIA Eden ULV |
Malli | Kellotaajuus | Teho |
Eden ULV | 500 MHz | 1 W |
Eden ULV | 1000 MHz | 3.5 W |
Eden ULV | 1500 MHz | 7.5 W |
VIA Luke |
Malli | Kellotaajuus | Teho |
Luke | 533 MHz | 6 W |
Luke | 800 MHz | 8 W |
Luke | 1000 MHz | 10 W |
Katso myös |
- Ylikellottaminen
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↑ Marvell's useful history of processors
↑ Intel Pentium M Processor Intel.
- Weik, Martin H.: A Survey of Domestic Electronic Digital Computing Systems 1955. United States Department of Commerce Office of Technical Services. Viitattu ??.??.????.
Aiheesta muualla |
- CPU Reference for all vendors. Process node, die size, speed, power, instruction set, etc.
- Processor Electrical Specifications
SizingLounge - Online calculation tool for server energy costs.
Radiate - Calculate CPU power consumption based on frequency and voltage.- For specification on Intel processors.