Cannot add new products or they get mixed up with updated ones, no errorGet soled Products with counter in Magentonew products on home page magento CE1.9 with rwd themeCreate categories through installerSet Products Out Of Stock If They Haven't Been Updated Within A DayAdd new Attributes with Add more buttonadd to cart products with max qty of products error with run scriptSQL Error When Making New Products on Magento “Column 'price_type' cannot be null”Add multiple products with one submit buttonMagento 1.9 - Get new productsExport Category name in xml feed Magento 1.9.2
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Cannot add new products or they get mixed up with updated ones, no error
Get soled Products with counter in Magentonew products on home page magento CE1.9 with rwd themeCreate categories through installerSet Products Out Of Stock If They Haven't Been Updated Within A DayAdd new Attributes with Add more buttonadd to cart products with max qty of products error with run scriptSQL Error When Making New Products on Magento “Column 'price_type' cannot be null”Add multiple products with one submit buttonMagento 1.9 - Get new productsExport Category name in xml feed Magento 1.9.2
I have written a simple script that downloads an XML with product info from a wholesale parse it and save new products or updates exiting ones. It has been working for a few months, but now it's getting really strange. It updates existing products correctly, but it doesn't add a new ones (no error at all) or it overwrites an existing product with the new ones data. I've been trying to find any clue, to debug I output almost any valuable info, but it just won't work.
This is my script:
require_once('app/Mage.php'); //Path to Magento
$kat = new Kategorie();
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product');
$xml=simplexml_load_file("") or die("Error: Cannot create object ksiazki");
$ksiazki = array();
$dostepnosc = array();
$ceny = array();
echo count($xml->books->book)." książek pobrano.<br>";
if (count($xml->books->book) > 0)
foreach ($xml->books->book as $book)
if ($book->attributes()->dzial == "KC")
if ($kat->isIndexHistoric((string)$book->attributes()->indeks))
array_push($ksiazki, $book);
//pobieranie obrazow
$url = "".$book->attributes()->indeks."&id=XX&p=XX";
$path = dirname(__FILE__)."/media/books/".$book->attributes()->indeks.".jpeg";
$urlFile = "/media/books/".$book->attributes()->indeks.".jpeg";
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$img = curl_exec($curl);
$data = imagecreatefromstring($img);
if (isset($data))
catch(Exception $e)
echo "MagentoError: ".$e->getMessage();
echo $book->attributes()->indeks.": ".(file_exists($path) ? "Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/".$book->attributes()->indeks.".jpeg)<br>" : "Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.<br>");
$transakcja = $xml->attributes()->transactionId;
echo "Transakcja ".$xml->attributes()->transactionId."<br>";
$xml2 = simplexml_load_file("") or die("Error: Cannot create object dostepnosc");
foreach ($xml2->book as $book)
$index = (string)$book->attributes()->indeks;
$dostepnosc[$index] = intval($book->attributes()->p);
echo "Pobrano ".count($dostepnosc)." dostepnosci.<br>";
$xml2 = simplexml_load_file("") or die("Error: Cannot create object ceny");
foreach ($xml2->book as $book)
$index = (string)$book->attributes()->indeks;
$ceny[$index] = $book->attributes()->cena;
$ceny[$index] = 1.30 * $ceny[$index]; //marza 30%
$ceny[$index] = 1.05 * $ceny[$index]; //vat 5%
$ceny[$index] = round($ceny[$index], 1);
echo "Pobrano ".count($ceny)." cen.<br>";
for ($i = 0;$i < count($ksiazki);$i++)
file_exists($path2) ) && $mediaCount == 0 && !$aktualizacja )
$finalPath = ( file_exists($path) ? $path : NULL );
if (!isset($finalPath))
$finalPath = ( file_exists($path2) ? $path : NULL );
if (isset($finalPath))
$product->setMediaGallery (array('images'=>array (), 'values'=>array ()));
$product->addImageToMediaGallery(($finalPath), array('image','small_image','thumbnail'), false, false);
echo "Dodano obrazek.<br>";
catch(Exception $e)
echo "MagentoError: ".$e->getMessage();
else if ($mediaCount != 0 && ( file_exists($path)
if ($i == count($ksiazki) - 1 || count($xml->books->book) == 0 || count($ksiazki == 0))
//file_get_contents("".$transakcja) or die("Error: Cannot create object confirmation");
echo "Koniec transakcji.<br>";
Why Am I deleting the products at the beginning? It was just one of my blind shots, I wanted to start fresh, but the result was: none of the 500 products has been saved.
And here is the example of the output:
500 książek pobrano.
37100801579KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/37100801579KS.jpeg)
41595401615KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
41976601579KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/41976601579KS.jpeg)
42172001579KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/42172001579KS.jpeg)
43471102044KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
47354301615KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/47354301615KS.jpeg)
47359102056KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/47359102056KS.jpeg)
47495801965KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/47495801965KS.jpeg)
48445501615KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
49282501184KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
49596001579KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/49596001579KS.jpeg)
49686001350KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/49686001350KS.jpeg)
49974001615KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/49974001615KS.jpeg)
50090000207KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/50090000207KS.jpeg)
50256601579KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/50256601579KS.jpeg)
52775100231KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/52775100231KS.jpeg)
53308401041KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/53308401041KS.jpeg)
53650002269KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
54326401144KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/54326401144KS.jpeg)
55247402249KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
55250302062KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
57158801622KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/57158801622KS.jpeg)
57575602706KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/57575602706KS.jpeg)
58264602706KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/58264602706KS.jpeg)
60139002894KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/60139002894KS.jpeg)
60143302894KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/60143302894KS.jpeg)
60159902894KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/60159902894KS.jpeg)
60160802894KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/60160802894KS.jpeg)
60161202894KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
61274601830KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
61829501075KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
61977702706KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
62104401430KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/62104401430KS.jpeg)
63614801262KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
64253303114KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
64894500149KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
65196601622KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
65392002743KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
66167802894KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
66338102894KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
66690002894KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
66988102894KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
67454302494KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
67848500153KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/67848500153KS.jpeg)
68804402044KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/68804402044KS.jpeg)
70217100206KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70217400206KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70227603326KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70227603326KS.jpeg)
70341400124KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70341400124KS.jpeg)
70360802389KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70360802389KS.jpeg)
70362502608KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70362502608KS.jpeg)
70486401049KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70486401049KS.jpeg)
70491003053KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70491003053KS.jpeg)
70491203053KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70526003143KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70526003143KS.jpeg)
70526701252KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70530302894KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70550401646KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70551601405KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70557401144KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70559601648KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70559601648KS.jpeg)
70649402608KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70658902608KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70662201184KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70682202798KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70685101549KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70689500208KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70689500208KS.jpeg)
70693701252KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70695103053KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70719900208KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70719900208KS.jpeg)
70720100208KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70720200208KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70720200208KS.jpeg)
70720400208KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70720400208KS.jpeg)
70740003022KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70740003022KS.jpeg)
70744600203KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70744600203KS.jpeg)
70753403053KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70753403053KS.jpeg)
70755102370KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70755102370KS.jpeg)
70755302370KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70755302370KS.jpeg)
70761603133KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
Transakcja 11145-1424312459597
Pobrano 107534 dostepnosci.
Pobrano 134930 cen.
Usuniecie 4243ID:
Tytuł: MW
ISBN: 839176124X
Debug: Path - TRUE Path2 - TRUE Liczba obrazkow - 0 Aktualizacja - FALSE
Dodano obrazek.
2 kategorii do przypisania.
2Kategorii zapisano.
Zapisano 37100801579KS .
Koniec produktu.
Usuniecie 4906ID:
Tytuł: Historia polityczna świata XX w t1 1901-1945
ISBN: 8323318522
Debug: Path - FALSE Path2 - TRUE Liczba obrazkow - 0 Aktualizacja - FALSE
MagentoError: Image does not exist.7 kategorii do przypisania.
7Kategorii zapisano.
Zapisano 41595401615KS .
Historia polityczna świata XX w t1 1901-1945
Koniec produktu.
Usuniecie 4974ID:
Tytuł: Salon 2. Alfabet szulerów. Część pierwsza A-L
ISBN: 8360297118
Debug: Path - TRUE Path2 - TRUE Liczba obrazkow - 0 Aktualizacja - FALSE
Dodano obrazek.
3 kategorii do przypisania.
3Kategorii zapisano.
Zapisano 41976601579KS .
Salon 2. Alfabet szulerów. Część pierwsza A-L
Koniec produktu.
Usuniecie 2240ID:
Tytuł: Salon 2 Alfabet szulerów
ISBN: 8360297126
Debug: Path - TRUE Path2 - TRUE Liczba obrazkow - 0 Aktualizacja - FALSE
Dodano obrazek.
3 kategorii do przypisania.
3Kategorii zapisano.
Zapisano 42172001579KS .
Salon 2 Alfabet szulerów
Koniec produktu.
Usuniecie 5376ID:
Tytuł: Tajemnica Las Meninas
ISBN: 9788389368737
Debug: Path - FALSE Path2 - TRUE Liczba obrazkow - 0 Aktualizacja - FALSE
MagentoError: Image does not exist.2 kategorii do przypisania.
2Kategorii zapisano.
Zapisano 43471102044KS .
Tajemnica Las Meninas
Koniec produktu.
Koniec transakcji.
php products script
add a comment |
I have written a simple script that downloads an XML with product info from a wholesale parse it and save new products or updates exiting ones. It has been working for a few months, but now it's getting really strange. It updates existing products correctly, but it doesn't add a new ones (no error at all) or it overwrites an existing product with the new ones data. I've been trying to find any clue, to debug I output almost any valuable info, but it just won't work.
This is my script:
require_once('app/Mage.php'); //Path to Magento
$kat = new Kategorie();
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product');
$xml=simplexml_load_file("") or die("Error: Cannot create object ksiazki");
$ksiazki = array();
$dostepnosc = array();
$ceny = array();
echo count($xml->books->book)." książek pobrano.<br>";
if (count($xml->books->book) > 0)
foreach ($xml->books->book as $book)
if ($book->attributes()->dzial == "KC")
if ($kat->isIndexHistoric((string)$book->attributes()->indeks))
array_push($ksiazki, $book);
//pobieranie obrazow
$url = "".$book->attributes()->indeks."&id=XX&p=XX";
$path = dirname(__FILE__)."/media/books/".$book->attributes()->indeks.".jpeg";
$urlFile = "/media/books/".$book->attributes()->indeks.".jpeg";
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$img = curl_exec($curl);
$data = imagecreatefromstring($img);
if (isset($data))
catch(Exception $e)
echo "MagentoError: ".$e->getMessage();
echo $book->attributes()->indeks.": ".(file_exists($path) ? "Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/".$book->attributes()->indeks.".jpeg)<br>" : "Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.<br>");
$transakcja = $xml->attributes()->transactionId;
echo "Transakcja ".$xml->attributes()->transactionId."<br>";
$xml2 = simplexml_load_file("") or die("Error: Cannot create object dostepnosc");
foreach ($xml2->book as $book)
$index = (string)$book->attributes()->indeks;
$dostepnosc[$index] = intval($book->attributes()->p);
echo "Pobrano ".count($dostepnosc)." dostepnosci.<br>";
$xml2 = simplexml_load_file("") or die("Error: Cannot create object ceny");
foreach ($xml2->book as $book)
$index = (string)$book->attributes()->indeks;
$ceny[$index] = $book->attributes()->cena;
$ceny[$index] = 1.30 * $ceny[$index]; //marza 30%
$ceny[$index] = 1.05 * $ceny[$index]; //vat 5%
$ceny[$index] = round($ceny[$index], 1);
echo "Pobrano ".count($ceny)." cen.<br>";
for ($i = 0;$i < count($ksiazki);$i++)
file_exists($path2) ) && $mediaCount == 0 && !$aktualizacja )
$finalPath = ( file_exists($path) ? $path : NULL );
if (!isset($finalPath))
$finalPath = ( file_exists($path2) ? $path : NULL );
if (isset($finalPath))
$product->setMediaGallery (array('images'=>array (), 'values'=>array ()));
$product->addImageToMediaGallery(($finalPath), array('image','small_image','thumbnail'), false, false);
echo "Dodano obrazek.<br>";
catch(Exception $e)
echo "MagentoError: ".$e->getMessage();
else if ($mediaCount != 0 && ( file_exists($path)
if ($i == count($ksiazki) - 1 || count($xml->books->book) == 0 || count($ksiazki == 0))
//file_get_contents("".$transakcja) or die("Error: Cannot create object confirmation");
echo "Koniec transakcji.<br>";
Why Am I deleting the products at the beginning? It was just one of my blind shots, I wanted to start fresh, but the result was: none of the 500 products has been saved.
And here is the example of the output:
500 książek pobrano.
37100801579KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/37100801579KS.jpeg)
41595401615KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
41976601579KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/41976601579KS.jpeg)
42172001579KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/42172001579KS.jpeg)
43471102044KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
47354301615KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/47354301615KS.jpeg)
47359102056KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/47359102056KS.jpeg)
47495801965KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/47495801965KS.jpeg)
48445501615KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
49282501184KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
49596001579KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/49596001579KS.jpeg)
49686001350KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/49686001350KS.jpeg)
49974001615KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/49974001615KS.jpeg)
50090000207KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/50090000207KS.jpeg)
50256601579KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/50256601579KS.jpeg)
52775100231KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/52775100231KS.jpeg)
53308401041KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/53308401041KS.jpeg)
53650002269KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
54326401144KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/54326401144KS.jpeg)
55247402249KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
55250302062KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
57158801622KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/57158801622KS.jpeg)
57575602706KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/57575602706KS.jpeg)
58264602706KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/58264602706KS.jpeg)
60139002894KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/60139002894KS.jpeg)
60143302894KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/60143302894KS.jpeg)
60159902894KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/60159902894KS.jpeg)
60160802894KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/60160802894KS.jpeg)
60161202894KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
61274601830KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
61829501075KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
61977702706KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
62104401430KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/62104401430KS.jpeg)
63614801262KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
64253303114KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
64894500149KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
65196601622KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
65392002743KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
66167802894KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
66338102894KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
66690002894KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
66988102894KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
67454302494KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
67848500153KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/67848500153KS.jpeg)
68804402044KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/68804402044KS.jpeg)
70217100206KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70217400206KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70227603326KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70227603326KS.jpeg)
70341400124KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70341400124KS.jpeg)
70360802389KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70360802389KS.jpeg)
70362502608KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70362502608KS.jpeg)
70486401049KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70486401049KS.jpeg)
70491003053KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70491003053KS.jpeg)
70491203053KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70526003143KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70526003143KS.jpeg)
70526701252KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70530302894KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70550401646KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70551601405KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70557401144KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70559601648KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70559601648KS.jpeg)
70649402608KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70658902608KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70662201184KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70682202798KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70685101549KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70689500208KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70689500208KS.jpeg)
70693701252KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70695103053KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70719900208KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70719900208KS.jpeg)
70720100208KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70720200208KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70720200208KS.jpeg)
70720400208KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70720400208KS.jpeg)
70740003022KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70740003022KS.jpeg)
70744600203KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70744600203KS.jpeg)
70753403053KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70753403053KS.jpeg)
70755102370KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70755102370KS.jpeg)
70755302370KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70755302370KS.jpeg)
70761603133KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
Transakcja 11145-1424312459597
Pobrano 107534 dostepnosci.
Pobrano 134930 cen.
Usuniecie 4243ID:
Tytuł: MW
ISBN: 839176124X
Debug: Path - TRUE Path2 - TRUE Liczba obrazkow - 0 Aktualizacja - FALSE
Dodano obrazek.
2 kategorii do przypisania.
2Kategorii zapisano.
Zapisano 37100801579KS .
Koniec produktu.
Usuniecie 4906ID:
Tytuł: Historia polityczna świata XX w t1 1901-1945
ISBN: 8323318522
Debug: Path - FALSE Path2 - TRUE Liczba obrazkow - 0 Aktualizacja - FALSE
MagentoError: Image does not exist.7 kategorii do przypisania.
7Kategorii zapisano.
Zapisano 41595401615KS .
Historia polityczna świata XX w t1 1901-1945
Koniec produktu.
Usuniecie 4974ID:
Tytuł: Salon 2. Alfabet szulerów. Część pierwsza A-L
ISBN: 8360297118
Debug: Path - TRUE Path2 - TRUE Liczba obrazkow - 0 Aktualizacja - FALSE
Dodano obrazek.
3 kategorii do przypisania.
3Kategorii zapisano.
Zapisano 41976601579KS .
Salon 2. Alfabet szulerów. Część pierwsza A-L
Koniec produktu.
Usuniecie 2240ID:
Tytuł: Salon 2 Alfabet szulerów
ISBN: 8360297126
Debug: Path - TRUE Path2 - TRUE Liczba obrazkow - 0 Aktualizacja - FALSE
Dodano obrazek.
3 kategorii do przypisania.
3Kategorii zapisano.
Zapisano 42172001579KS .
Salon 2 Alfabet szulerów
Koniec produktu.
Usuniecie 5376ID:
Tytuł: Tajemnica Las Meninas
ISBN: 9788389368737
Debug: Path - FALSE Path2 - TRUE Liczba obrazkow - 0 Aktualizacja - FALSE
MagentoError: Image does not exist.2 kategorii do przypisania.
2Kategorii zapisano.
Zapisano 43471102044KS .
Tajemnica Las Meninas
Koniec produktu.
Koniec transakcji.
php products script
Do you have a store with id 4 in your site?
– Girish SH
Feb 19 '15 at 2:55
Yes, but it doesn't work on any ID and even if I comment this line. Note one weird fact: every "saved" object in this example output has exactly the same ID. I dont know why. It's this line for example: 41976601579KS ID:29376 <- this is the ID of every product and it's the same! 41976601579KS
– Richard Rahl
Feb 19 '15 at 3:08
add a comment |
I have written a simple script that downloads an XML with product info from a wholesale parse it and save new products or updates exiting ones. It has been working for a few months, but now it's getting really strange. It updates existing products correctly, but it doesn't add a new ones (no error at all) or it overwrites an existing product with the new ones data. I've been trying to find any clue, to debug I output almost any valuable info, but it just won't work.
This is my script:
require_once('app/Mage.php'); //Path to Magento
$kat = new Kategorie();
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product');
$xml=simplexml_load_file("") or die("Error: Cannot create object ksiazki");
$ksiazki = array();
$dostepnosc = array();
$ceny = array();
echo count($xml->books->book)." książek pobrano.<br>";
if (count($xml->books->book) > 0)
foreach ($xml->books->book as $book)
if ($book->attributes()->dzial == "KC")
if ($kat->isIndexHistoric((string)$book->attributes()->indeks))
array_push($ksiazki, $book);
//pobieranie obrazow
$url = "".$book->attributes()->indeks."&id=XX&p=XX";
$path = dirname(__FILE__)."/media/books/".$book->attributes()->indeks.".jpeg";
$urlFile = "/media/books/".$book->attributes()->indeks.".jpeg";
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$img = curl_exec($curl);
$data = imagecreatefromstring($img);
if (isset($data))
catch(Exception $e)
echo "MagentoError: ".$e->getMessage();
echo $book->attributes()->indeks.": ".(file_exists($path) ? "Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/".$book->attributes()->indeks.".jpeg)<br>" : "Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.<br>");
$transakcja = $xml->attributes()->transactionId;
echo "Transakcja ".$xml->attributes()->transactionId."<br>";
$xml2 = simplexml_load_file("") or die("Error: Cannot create object dostepnosc");
foreach ($xml2->book as $book)
$index = (string)$book->attributes()->indeks;
$dostepnosc[$index] = intval($book->attributes()->p);
echo "Pobrano ".count($dostepnosc)." dostepnosci.<br>";
$xml2 = simplexml_load_file("") or die("Error: Cannot create object ceny");
foreach ($xml2->book as $book)
$index = (string)$book->attributes()->indeks;
$ceny[$index] = $book->attributes()->cena;
$ceny[$index] = 1.30 * $ceny[$index]; //marza 30%
$ceny[$index] = 1.05 * $ceny[$index]; //vat 5%
$ceny[$index] = round($ceny[$index], 1);
echo "Pobrano ".count($ceny)." cen.<br>";
for ($i = 0;$i < count($ksiazki);$i++)
file_exists($path2) ) && $mediaCount == 0 && !$aktualizacja )
$finalPath = ( file_exists($path) ? $path : NULL );
if (!isset($finalPath))
$finalPath = ( file_exists($path2) ? $path : NULL );
if (isset($finalPath))
$product->setMediaGallery (array('images'=>array (), 'values'=>array ()));
$product->addImageToMediaGallery(($finalPath), array('image','small_image','thumbnail'), false, false);
echo "Dodano obrazek.<br>";
catch(Exception $e)
echo "MagentoError: ".$e->getMessage();
else if ($mediaCount != 0 && ( file_exists($path)
if ($i == count($ksiazki) - 1 || count($xml->books->book) == 0 || count($ksiazki == 0))
//file_get_contents("".$transakcja) or die("Error: Cannot create object confirmation");
echo "Koniec transakcji.<br>";
Why Am I deleting the products at the beginning? It was just one of my blind shots, I wanted to start fresh, but the result was: none of the 500 products has been saved.
And here is the example of the output:
500 książek pobrano.
37100801579KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/37100801579KS.jpeg)
41595401615KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
41976601579KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/41976601579KS.jpeg)
42172001579KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/42172001579KS.jpeg)
43471102044KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
47354301615KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/47354301615KS.jpeg)
47359102056KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/47359102056KS.jpeg)
47495801965KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/47495801965KS.jpeg)
48445501615KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
49282501184KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
49596001579KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/49596001579KS.jpeg)
49686001350KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/49686001350KS.jpeg)
49974001615KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/49974001615KS.jpeg)
50090000207KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/50090000207KS.jpeg)
50256601579KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/50256601579KS.jpeg)
52775100231KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/52775100231KS.jpeg)
53308401041KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/53308401041KS.jpeg)
53650002269KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
54326401144KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/54326401144KS.jpeg)
55247402249KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
55250302062KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
57158801622KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/57158801622KS.jpeg)
57575602706KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/57575602706KS.jpeg)
58264602706KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/58264602706KS.jpeg)
60139002894KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/60139002894KS.jpeg)
60143302894KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/60143302894KS.jpeg)
60159902894KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/60159902894KS.jpeg)
60160802894KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/60160802894KS.jpeg)
60161202894KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
61274601830KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
61829501075KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
61977702706KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
62104401430KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/62104401430KS.jpeg)
63614801262KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
64253303114KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
64894500149KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
65196601622KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
65392002743KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
66167802894KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
66338102894KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
66690002894KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
66988102894KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
67454302494KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
67848500153KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/67848500153KS.jpeg)
68804402044KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/68804402044KS.jpeg)
70217100206KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70217400206KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70227603326KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70227603326KS.jpeg)
70341400124KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70341400124KS.jpeg)
70360802389KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70360802389KS.jpeg)
70362502608KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70362502608KS.jpeg)
70486401049KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70486401049KS.jpeg)
70491003053KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70491003053KS.jpeg)
70491203053KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70526003143KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70526003143KS.jpeg)
70526701252KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70530302894KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70550401646KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70551601405KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70557401144KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70559601648KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70559601648KS.jpeg)
70649402608KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70658902608KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70662201184KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70682202798KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70685101549KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70689500208KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70689500208KS.jpeg)
70693701252KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70695103053KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70719900208KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70719900208KS.jpeg)
70720100208KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70720200208KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70720200208KS.jpeg)
70720400208KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70720400208KS.jpeg)
70740003022KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70740003022KS.jpeg)
70744600203KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70744600203KS.jpeg)
70753403053KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70753403053KS.jpeg)
70755102370KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70755102370KS.jpeg)
70755302370KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70755302370KS.jpeg)
70761603133KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
Transakcja 11145-1424312459597
Pobrano 107534 dostepnosci.
Pobrano 134930 cen.
Usuniecie 4243ID:
Tytuł: MW
ISBN: 839176124X
Debug: Path - TRUE Path2 - TRUE Liczba obrazkow - 0 Aktualizacja - FALSE
Dodano obrazek.
2 kategorii do przypisania.
2Kategorii zapisano.
Zapisano 37100801579KS .
Koniec produktu.
Usuniecie 4906ID:
Tytuł: Historia polityczna świata XX w t1 1901-1945
ISBN: 8323318522
Debug: Path - FALSE Path2 - TRUE Liczba obrazkow - 0 Aktualizacja - FALSE
MagentoError: Image does not exist.7 kategorii do przypisania.
7Kategorii zapisano.
Zapisano 41595401615KS .
Historia polityczna świata XX w t1 1901-1945
Koniec produktu.
Usuniecie 4974ID:
Tytuł: Salon 2. Alfabet szulerów. Część pierwsza A-L
ISBN: 8360297118
Debug: Path - TRUE Path2 - TRUE Liczba obrazkow - 0 Aktualizacja - FALSE
Dodano obrazek.
3 kategorii do przypisania.
3Kategorii zapisano.
Zapisano 41976601579KS .
Salon 2. Alfabet szulerów. Część pierwsza A-L
Koniec produktu.
Usuniecie 2240ID:
Tytuł: Salon 2 Alfabet szulerów
ISBN: 8360297126
Debug: Path - TRUE Path2 - TRUE Liczba obrazkow - 0 Aktualizacja - FALSE
Dodano obrazek.
3 kategorii do przypisania.
3Kategorii zapisano.
Zapisano 42172001579KS .
Salon 2 Alfabet szulerów
Koniec produktu.
Usuniecie 5376ID:
Tytuł: Tajemnica Las Meninas
ISBN: 9788389368737
Debug: Path - FALSE Path2 - TRUE Liczba obrazkow - 0 Aktualizacja - FALSE
MagentoError: Image does not exist.2 kategorii do przypisania.
2Kategorii zapisano.
Zapisano 43471102044KS .
Tajemnica Las Meninas
Koniec produktu.
Koniec transakcji.
php products script
I have written a simple script that downloads an XML with product info from a wholesale parse it and save new products or updates exiting ones. It has been working for a few months, but now it's getting really strange. It updates existing products correctly, but it doesn't add a new ones (no error at all) or it overwrites an existing product with the new ones data. I've been trying to find any clue, to debug I output almost any valuable info, but it just won't work.
This is my script:
require_once('app/Mage.php'); //Path to Magento
$kat = new Kategorie();
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product');
$xml=simplexml_load_file("") or die("Error: Cannot create object ksiazki");
$ksiazki = array();
$dostepnosc = array();
$ceny = array();
echo count($xml->books->book)." książek pobrano.<br>";
if (count($xml->books->book) > 0)
foreach ($xml->books->book as $book)
if ($book->attributes()->dzial == "KC")
if ($kat->isIndexHistoric((string)$book->attributes()->indeks))
array_push($ksiazki, $book);
//pobieranie obrazow
$url = "".$book->attributes()->indeks."&id=XX&p=XX";
$path = dirname(__FILE__)."/media/books/".$book->attributes()->indeks.".jpeg";
$urlFile = "/media/books/".$book->attributes()->indeks.".jpeg";
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$img = curl_exec($curl);
$data = imagecreatefromstring($img);
if (isset($data))
catch(Exception $e)
echo "MagentoError: ".$e->getMessage();
echo $book->attributes()->indeks.": ".(file_exists($path) ? "Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/".$book->attributes()->indeks.".jpeg)<br>" : "Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.<br>");
$transakcja = $xml->attributes()->transactionId;
echo "Transakcja ".$xml->attributes()->transactionId."<br>";
$xml2 = simplexml_load_file("") or die("Error: Cannot create object dostepnosc");
foreach ($xml2->book as $book)
$index = (string)$book->attributes()->indeks;
$dostepnosc[$index] = intval($book->attributes()->p);
echo "Pobrano ".count($dostepnosc)." dostepnosci.<br>";
$xml2 = simplexml_load_file("") or die("Error: Cannot create object ceny");
foreach ($xml2->book as $book)
$index = (string)$book->attributes()->indeks;
$ceny[$index] = $book->attributes()->cena;
$ceny[$index] = 1.30 * $ceny[$index]; //marza 30%
$ceny[$index] = 1.05 * $ceny[$index]; //vat 5%
$ceny[$index] = round($ceny[$index], 1);
echo "Pobrano ".count($ceny)." cen.<br>";
for ($i = 0;$i < count($ksiazki);$i++)
file_exists($path2) ) && $mediaCount == 0 && !$aktualizacja )
$finalPath = ( file_exists($path) ? $path : NULL );
if (!isset($finalPath))
$finalPath = ( file_exists($path2) ? $path : NULL );
if (isset($finalPath))
$product->setMediaGallery (array('images'=>array (), 'values'=>array ()));
$product->addImageToMediaGallery(($finalPath), array('image','small_image','thumbnail'), false, false);
echo "Dodano obrazek.<br>";
catch(Exception $e)
echo "MagentoError: ".$e->getMessage();
else if ($mediaCount != 0 && ( file_exists($path)
if ($i == count($ksiazki) - 1 || count($xml->books->book) == 0 || count($ksiazki == 0))
//file_get_contents("".$transakcja) or die("Error: Cannot create object confirmation");
echo "Koniec transakcji.<br>";
Why Am I deleting the products at the beginning? It was just one of my blind shots, I wanted to start fresh, but the result was: none of the 500 products has been saved.
And here is the example of the output:
500 książek pobrano.
37100801579KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/37100801579KS.jpeg)
41595401615KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
41976601579KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/41976601579KS.jpeg)
42172001579KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/42172001579KS.jpeg)
43471102044KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
47354301615KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/47354301615KS.jpeg)
47359102056KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/47359102056KS.jpeg)
47495801965KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/47495801965KS.jpeg)
48445501615KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
49282501184KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
49596001579KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/49596001579KS.jpeg)
49686001350KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/49686001350KS.jpeg)
49974001615KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/49974001615KS.jpeg)
50090000207KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/50090000207KS.jpeg)
50256601579KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/50256601579KS.jpeg)
52775100231KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/52775100231KS.jpeg)
53308401041KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/53308401041KS.jpeg)
53650002269KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
54326401144KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/54326401144KS.jpeg)
55247402249KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
55250302062KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
57158801622KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/57158801622KS.jpeg)
57575602706KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/57575602706KS.jpeg)
58264602706KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/58264602706KS.jpeg)
60139002894KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/60139002894KS.jpeg)
60143302894KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/60143302894KS.jpeg)
60159902894KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/60159902894KS.jpeg)
60160802894KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/60160802894KS.jpeg)
60161202894KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
61274601830KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
61829501075KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
61977702706KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
62104401430KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/62104401430KS.jpeg)
63614801262KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
64253303114KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
64894500149KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
65196601622KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
65392002743KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
66167802894KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
66338102894KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
66690002894KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
66988102894KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
67454302494KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
67848500153KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/67848500153KS.jpeg)
68804402044KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/68804402044KS.jpeg)
70217100206KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70217400206KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70227603326KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70227603326KS.jpeg)
70341400124KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70341400124KS.jpeg)
70360802389KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70360802389KS.jpeg)
70362502608KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70362502608KS.jpeg)
70486401049KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70486401049KS.jpeg)
70491003053KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70491003053KS.jpeg)
70491203053KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70526003143KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70526003143KS.jpeg)
70526701252KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70530302894KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70550401646KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70551601405KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70557401144KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70559601648KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70559601648KS.jpeg)
70649402608KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70658902608KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70662201184KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70682202798KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70685101549KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70689500208KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70689500208KS.jpeg)
70693701252KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70695103053KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70719900208KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70719900208KS.jpeg)
70720100208KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
70720200208KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70720200208KS.jpeg)
70720400208KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70720400208KS.jpeg)
70740003022KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70740003022KS.jpeg)
70744600203KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70744600203KS.jpeg)
70753403053KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70753403053KS.jpeg)
70755102370KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70755102370KS.jpeg)
70755302370KS: Pobrano obrazek.(/media/books/70755302370KS.jpeg)
70761603133KS: Brak obrazka w bazie Azymuta.
Transakcja 11145-1424312459597
Pobrano 107534 dostepnosci.
Pobrano 134930 cen.
Usuniecie 4243ID:
Tytuł: MW
ISBN: 839176124X
Debug: Path - TRUE Path2 - TRUE Liczba obrazkow - 0 Aktualizacja - FALSE
Dodano obrazek.
2 kategorii do przypisania.
2Kategorii zapisano.
Zapisano 37100801579KS .
Koniec produktu.
Usuniecie 4906ID:
Tytuł: Historia polityczna świata XX w t1 1901-1945
ISBN: 8323318522
Debug: Path - FALSE Path2 - TRUE Liczba obrazkow - 0 Aktualizacja - FALSE
MagentoError: Image does not exist.7 kategorii do przypisania.
7Kategorii zapisano.
Zapisano 41595401615KS .
Historia polityczna świata XX w t1 1901-1945
Koniec produktu.
Usuniecie 4974ID:
Tytuł: Salon 2. Alfabet szulerów. Część pierwsza A-L
ISBN: 8360297118
Debug: Path - TRUE Path2 - TRUE Liczba obrazkow - 0 Aktualizacja - FALSE
Dodano obrazek.
3 kategorii do przypisania.
3Kategorii zapisano.
Zapisano 41976601579KS .
Salon 2. Alfabet szulerów. Część pierwsza A-L
Koniec produktu.
Usuniecie 2240ID:
Tytuł: Salon 2 Alfabet szulerów
ISBN: 8360297126
Debug: Path - TRUE Path2 - TRUE Liczba obrazkow - 0 Aktualizacja - FALSE
Dodano obrazek.
3 kategorii do przypisania.
3Kategorii zapisano.
Zapisano 42172001579KS .
Salon 2 Alfabet szulerów
Koniec produktu.
Usuniecie 5376ID:
Tytuł: Tajemnica Las Meninas
ISBN: 9788389368737
Debug: Path - FALSE Path2 - TRUE Liczba obrazkow - 0 Aktualizacja - FALSE
MagentoError: Image does not exist.2 kategorii do przypisania.
2Kategorii zapisano.
Zapisano 43471102044KS .
Tajemnica Las Meninas
Koniec produktu.
Koniec transakcji.
php products script
php products script
edited 4 mins ago

Teja Bhagavan Kollepara
asked Feb 19 '15 at 2:50

Richard RahlRichard Rahl
Do you have a store with id 4 in your site?
– Girish SH
Feb 19 '15 at 2:55
Yes, but it doesn't work on any ID and even if I comment this line. Note one weird fact: every "saved" object in this example output has exactly the same ID. I dont know why. It's this line for example: 41976601579KS ID:29376 <- this is the ID of every product and it's the same! 41976601579KS
– Richard Rahl
Feb 19 '15 at 3:08
add a comment |
Do you have a store with id 4 in your site?
– Girish SH
Feb 19 '15 at 2:55
Yes, but it doesn't work on any ID and even if I comment this line. Note one weird fact: every "saved" object in this example output has exactly the same ID. I dont know why. It's this line for example: 41976601579KS ID:29376 <- this is the ID of every product and it's the same! 41976601579KS
– Richard Rahl
Feb 19 '15 at 3:08
Do you have a store with id 4 in your site?
– Girish SH
Feb 19 '15 at 2:55
Do you have a store with id 4 in your site?
– Girish SH
Feb 19 '15 at 2:55
Yes, but it doesn't work on any ID and even if I comment this line. Note one weird fact: every "saved" object in this example output has exactly the same ID. I dont know why. It's this line for example: 41976601579KS ID:29376 <- this is the ID of every product and it's the same! 41976601579KS
– Richard Rahl
Feb 19 '15 at 3:08
Yes, but it doesn't work on any ID and even if I comment this line. Note one weird fact: every "saved" object in this example output has exactly the same ID. I dont know why. It's this line for example: 41976601579KS ID:29376 <- this is the ID of every product and it's the same! 41976601579KS
– Richard Rahl
Feb 19 '15 at 3:08
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1 Answer
I can't run this since I don't have your XML or the rest of your code but based on what you've described as your problem one thing stands out to me.
Starting here:
echo "ID:".$product->getIdBySku($index)."<br>";
//// I get this part because you're loading your existing product.
if($product->getIdBySku($index) != NULL)
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($product->getIdBySku($index));
$mediaCount = count($product->getMediaGalleryImages());
$date = date('d/m/Y h:i:s', strtotime($product->getCreatedAt()));
$aktualizacja = TRUE;
echo "Książka już istnieje, następuje nadpisywanie. Liczba obrazków książki to: ".$mediaCount.".<br>";
//// This part is redundant. You're doing this again below after this section.
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($product->getIdBySku($index));
echo $product->getSku()."<br>";
echo "ID:".$product->getIdBySku($index)."<br>";
Try replacing the code above with this:
echo "ID:".$product->getIdBySku($index)."<br>";
if($product->getIdBySku($index) != NULL)
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($product->getIdBySku($index));
$mediaCount = count($product->getMediaGalleryImages());
$date = date('d/m/Y h:i:s', strtotime($product->getCreatedAt()));
$aktualizacja = TRUE;
echo "Książka już istnieje, następuje nadpisywanie. Liczba obrazków książki to: ".$mediaCount.".<br>";
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product');
It looks like it worked, the product has been added. That's funny because this "else" was added when I tried to figure this problem out, before I posted here. : D Anyway, there is one problem now, the photos are loaded into the product, but they are not "checked" as base, small and thumbnail. Strange.
– Richard Rahl
Feb 19 '15 at 16:56
Oh, no I have examined this further and the products are saved, but they are mixed up? When I look for SKU of one book in magento backend, there is completly another book with that SKU.
– Richard Rahl
Feb 19 '15 at 17:01
You do need thatelse
. If not then it will save incorrectly. Try re-adding it exactly how I had it in my answer.
– seanbreeden
Feb 19 '15 at 17:12
Still some of the products are mixed up, what I mean is: there are a few exactly identical products, but with a different SKU, although they were saved as 2 different products (I'm sure, because I echo all the essential values during the process). Also the images are saved, but they are not "checked" as base image, small image and thumbnail - the effect is they have no image in the frontend.
– Richard Rahl
Feb 19 '15 at 18:37
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1 Answer
1 Answer
I can't run this since I don't have your XML or the rest of your code but based on what you've described as your problem one thing stands out to me.
Starting here:
echo "ID:".$product->getIdBySku($index)."<br>";
//// I get this part because you're loading your existing product.
if($product->getIdBySku($index) != NULL)
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($product->getIdBySku($index));
$mediaCount = count($product->getMediaGalleryImages());
$date = date('d/m/Y h:i:s', strtotime($product->getCreatedAt()));
$aktualizacja = TRUE;
echo "Książka już istnieje, następuje nadpisywanie. Liczba obrazków książki to: ".$mediaCount.".<br>";
//// This part is redundant. You're doing this again below after this section.
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($product->getIdBySku($index));
echo $product->getSku()."<br>";
echo "ID:".$product->getIdBySku($index)."<br>";
Try replacing the code above with this:
echo "ID:".$product->getIdBySku($index)."<br>";
if($product->getIdBySku($index) != NULL)
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($product->getIdBySku($index));
$mediaCount = count($product->getMediaGalleryImages());
$date = date('d/m/Y h:i:s', strtotime($product->getCreatedAt()));
$aktualizacja = TRUE;
echo "Książka już istnieje, następuje nadpisywanie. Liczba obrazków książki to: ".$mediaCount.".<br>";
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product');
It looks like it worked, the product has been added. That's funny because this "else" was added when I tried to figure this problem out, before I posted here. : D Anyway, there is one problem now, the photos are loaded into the product, but they are not "checked" as base, small and thumbnail. Strange.
– Richard Rahl
Feb 19 '15 at 16:56
Oh, no I have examined this further and the products are saved, but they are mixed up? When I look for SKU of one book in magento backend, there is completly another book with that SKU.
– Richard Rahl
Feb 19 '15 at 17:01
You do need thatelse
. If not then it will save incorrectly. Try re-adding it exactly how I had it in my answer.
– seanbreeden
Feb 19 '15 at 17:12
Still some of the products are mixed up, what I mean is: there are a few exactly identical products, but with a different SKU, although they were saved as 2 different products (I'm sure, because I echo all the essential values during the process). Also the images are saved, but they are not "checked" as base image, small image and thumbnail - the effect is they have no image in the frontend.
– Richard Rahl
Feb 19 '15 at 18:37
add a comment |
I can't run this since I don't have your XML or the rest of your code but based on what you've described as your problem one thing stands out to me.
Starting here:
echo "ID:".$product->getIdBySku($index)."<br>";
//// I get this part because you're loading your existing product.
if($product->getIdBySku($index) != NULL)
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($product->getIdBySku($index));
$mediaCount = count($product->getMediaGalleryImages());
$date = date('d/m/Y h:i:s', strtotime($product->getCreatedAt()));
$aktualizacja = TRUE;
echo "Książka już istnieje, następuje nadpisywanie. Liczba obrazków książki to: ".$mediaCount.".<br>";
//// This part is redundant. You're doing this again below after this section.
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($product->getIdBySku($index));
echo $product->getSku()."<br>";
echo "ID:".$product->getIdBySku($index)."<br>";
Try replacing the code above with this:
echo "ID:".$product->getIdBySku($index)."<br>";
if($product->getIdBySku($index) != NULL)
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($product->getIdBySku($index));
$mediaCount = count($product->getMediaGalleryImages());
$date = date('d/m/Y h:i:s', strtotime($product->getCreatedAt()));
$aktualizacja = TRUE;
echo "Książka już istnieje, następuje nadpisywanie. Liczba obrazków książki to: ".$mediaCount.".<br>";
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product');
It looks like it worked, the product has been added. That's funny because this "else" was added when I tried to figure this problem out, before I posted here. : D Anyway, there is one problem now, the photos are loaded into the product, but they are not "checked" as base, small and thumbnail. Strange.
– Richard Rahl
Feb 19 '15 at 16:56
Oh, no I have examined this further and the products are saved, but they are mixed up? When I look for SKU of one book in magento backend, there is completly another book with that SKU.
– Richard Rahl
Feb 19 '15 at 17:01
You do need thatelse
. If not then it will save incorrectly. Try re-adding it exactly how I had it in my answer.
– seanbreeden
Feb 19 '15 at 17:12
Still some of the products are mixed up, what I mean is: there are a few exactly identical products, but with a different SKU, although they were saved as 2 different products (I'm sure, because I echo all the essential values during the process). Also the images are saved, but they are not "checked" as base image, small image and thumbnail - the effect is they have no image in the frontend.
– Richard Rahl
Feb 19 '15 at 18:37
add a comment |
I can't run this since I don't have your XML or the rest of your code but based on what you've described as your problem one thing stands out to me.
Starting here:
echo "ID:".$product->getIdBySku($index)."<br>";
//// I get this part because you're loading your existing product.
if($product->getIdBySku($index) != NULL)
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($product->getIdBySku($index));
$mediaCount = count($product->getMediaGalleryImages());
$date = date('d/m/Y h:i:s', strtotime($product->getCreatedAt()));
$aktualizacja = TRUE;
echo "Książka już istnieje, następuje nadpisywanie. Liczba obrazków książki to: ".$mediaCount.".<br>";
//// This part is redundant. You're doing this again below after this section.
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($product->getIdBySku($index));
echo $product->getSku()."<br>";
echo "ID:".$product->getIdBySku($index)."<br>";
Try replacing the code above with this:
echo "ID:".$product->getIdBySku($index)."<br>";
if($product->getIdBySku($index) != NULL)
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($product->getIdBySku($index));
$mediaCount = count($product->getMediaGalleryImages());
$date = date('d/m/Y h:i:s', strtotime($product->getCreatedAt()));
$aktualizacja = TRUE;
echo "Książka już istnieje, następuje nadpisywanie. Liczba obrazków książki to: ".$mediaCount.".<br>";
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product');
I can't run this since I don't have your XML or the rest of your code but based on what you've described as your problem one thing stands out to me.
Starting here:
echo "ID:".$product->getIdBySku($index)."<br>";
//// I get this part because you're loading your existing product.
if($product->getIdBySku($index) != NULL)
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($product->getIdBySku($index));
$mediaCount = count($product->getMediaGalleryImages());
$date = date('d/m/Y h:i:s', strtotime($product->getCreatedAt()));
$aktualizacja = TRUE;
echo "Książka już istnieje, następuje nadpisywanie. Liczba obrazków książki to: ".$mediaCount.".<br>";
//// This part is redundant. You're doing this again below after this section.
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($product->getIdBySku($index));
echo $product->getSku()."<br>";
echo "ID:".$product->getIdBySku($index)."<br>";
Try replacing the code above with this:
echo "ID:".$product->getIdBySku($index)."<br>";
if($product->getIdBySku($index) != NULL)
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($product->getIdBySku($index));
$mediaCount = count($product->getMediaGalleryImages());
$date = date('d/m/Y h:i:s', strtotime($product->getCreatedAt()));
$aktualizacja = TRUE;
echo "Książka już istnieje, następuje nadpisywanie. Liczba obrazków książki to: ".$mediaCount.".<br>";
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product');
edited Apr 22 '15 at 6:05
Keyul Shah
answered Feb 19 '15 at 3:58
It looks like it worked, the product has been added. That's funny because this "else" was added when I tried to figure this problem out, before I posted here. : D Anyway, there is one problem now, the photos are loaded into the product, but they are not "checked" as base, small and thumbnail. Strange.
– Richard Rahl
Feb 19 '15 at 16:56
Oh, no I have examined this further and the products are saved, but they are mixed up? When I look for SKU of one book in magento backend, there is completly another book with that SKU.
– Richard Rahl
Feb 19 '15 at 17:01
You do need thatelse
. If not then it will save incorrectly. Try re-adding it exactly how I had it in my answer.
– seanbreeden
Feb 19 '15 at 17:12
Still some of the products are mixed up, what I mean is: there are a few exactly identical products, but with a different SKU, although they were saved as 2 different products (I'm sure, because I echo all the essential values during the process). Also the images are saved, but they are not "checked" as base image, small image and thumbnail - the effect is they have no image in the frontend.
– Richard Rahl
Feb 19 '15 at 18:37
add a comment |
It looks like it worked, the product has been added. That's funny because this "else" was added when I tried to figure this problem out, before I posted here. : D Anyway, there is one problem now, the photos are loaded into the product, but they are not "checked" as base, small and thumbnail. Strange.
– Richard Rahl
Feb 19 '15 at 16:56
Oh, no I have examined this further and the products are saved, but they are mixed up? When I look for SKU of one book in magento backend, there is completly another book with that SKU.
– Richard Rahl
Feb 19 '15 at 17:01
You do need thatelse
. If not then it will save incorrectly. Try re-adding it exactly how I had it in my answer.
– seanbreeden
Feb 19 '15 at 17:12
Still some of the products are mixed up, what I mean is: there are a few exactly identical products, but with a different SKU, although they were saved as 2 different products (I'm sure, because I echo all the essential values during the process). Also the images are saved, but they are not "checked" as base image, small image and thumbnail - the effect is they have no image in the frontend.
– Richard Rahl
Feb 19 '15 at 18:37
It looks like it worked, the product has been added. That's funny because this "else" was added when I tried to figure this problem out, before I posted here. : D Anyway, there is one problem now, the photos are loaded into the product, but they are not "checked" as base, small and thumbnail. Strange.
– Richard Rahl
Feb 19 '15 at 16:56
It looks like it worked, the product has been added. That's funny because this "else" was added when I tried to figure this problem out, before I posted here. : D Anyway, there is one problem now, the photos are loaded into the product, but they are not "checked" as base, small and thumbnail. Strange.
– Richard Rahl
Feb 19 '15 at 16:56
Oh, no I have examined this further and the products are saved, but they are mixed up? When I look for SKU of one book in magento backend, there is completly another book with that SKU.
– Richard Rahl
Feb 19 '15 at 17:01
Oh, no I have examined this further and the products are saved, but they are mixed up? When I look for SKU of one book in magento backend, there is completly another book with that SKU.
– Richard Rahl
Feb 19 '15 at 17:01
You do need that
. If not then it will save incorrectly. Try re-adding it exactly how I had it in my answer.– seanbreeden
Feb 19 '15 at 17:12
You do need that
. If not then it will save incorrectly. Try re-adding it exactly how I had it in my answer.– seanbreeden
Feb 19 '15 at 17:12
Still some of the products are mixed up, what I mean is: there are a few exactly identical products, but with a different SKU, although they were saved as 2 different products (I'm sure, because I echo all the essential values during the process). Also the images are saved, but they are not "checked" as base image, small image and thumbnail - the effect is they have no image in the frontend.
– Richard Rahl
Feb 19 '15 at 18:37
Still some of the products are mixed up, what I mean is: there are a few exactly identical products, but with a different SKU, although they were saved as 2 different products (I'm sure, because I echo all the essential values during the process). Also the images are saved, but they are not "checked" as base image, small image and thumbnail - the effect is they have no image in the frontend.
– Richard Rahl
Feb 19 '15 at 18:37
add a comment |
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Do you have a store with id 4 in your site?
– Girish SH
Feb 19 '15 at 2:55
Yes, but it doesn't work on any ID and even if I comment this line. Note one weird fact: every "saved" object in this example output has exactly the same ID. I dont know why. It's this line for example: 41976601579KS ID:29376 <- this is the ID of every product and it's the same! 41976601579KS
– Richard Rahl
Feb 19 '15 at 3:08